Sunday, November 18, 2007

meet David Theiss, TOAD-LICKER

according to KMBC news in Kansas City...
A 21-year-old man has been accused of using a toad to get high.

Clay County sheriff's deputies said David Theiss, of Kansas City, possessed a Colorado River toad with the intention of using it as a hallucinogenic.

Experts said it's possible to lick the toad's venom glands to achieve psychedelic effects.
there's video at the link. more details looks like this toad-licker wasn't being singled out, he was caught up in a sting operation called "Operation Bad Candy"'s just that most of the other people were just busted for regular stuff like weed or coke. (hat tip to some poster named "veggie" at

i love the end of the KMBC story...
Theiss was released on bond.

The toad is in custody at a police crime lab.

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