about a month ago, a friend of mine went into great detail telling me about some scheme he had become involved in which involved speculation into a certain precious metal...we'll just call it "silver" for short. for the sake of brevity, let's just say that the story covered about all the bases imaginable...our money is not really worth anything, the federal reserve is unconstitutional, the only thing worth owning is what ultimately backs all world currency (i.e. - gold), the rich of the world know the truth and just support the banking system because it keeps suckers like me in line, etc...
a big part of the scenario he laid out was how the IRS can't legally take our money, because it's not constitional. there was also some underlying notion that there is a difference between being an "AMERICAN" vs being a "U.S. CITIZEN", and, apparently, if you know this difference you'll never get convicted of crimes because the constitution is the ultimate protection, and, according to his "guru" who told him all of this, you just have to pose certain questions regarding constitutional authority to the judge, and if he answers "truthfully", he'll have to throw the case out of court. it seemed really far-fetched to these ears.
but, now i'm not so sure.
around the time he was telling me this, actor wesley snipes was being brought up in federal court on charges of tax evasion, a charge he freely admitted to, though his argument was that the constitution didn't require him to pay taxes on money made in this country. i asked my friend about it. he said, "you watch, he'll walk...". he said his guru knew the lawyers involved in the case. i was laughing...this was a SLAM DUNK.
i thought my gut was completely validated when snipes tried to get the case moved out of the federal court in ocala and moved to manhattan because ocala was too "racist" to give him a fair trial. that seemed like a desparation move to me. the judge nixed that request, and the trial was on!
after the government made their case, it was the defense's turn. they had warned that they had a huge list of celebrities to testify on snipe's behalf. but, surprisingly, they decided not to call any witnesses... they simply stated that the government had not proved it's case, and sent it to what was previously referred to as the "racist" jury...hmmm.
well, yesterday the verdict was announced: Snipes aquitted of tax fraud. they did find him guilty of failing to file a tax return, but not the failure to pay the taxes.
i need to meet this guru.
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