finally...somebody's starting to stand up to THE GORACLE. there's apparently something to all of this "won't get fooled again" stuff...
"My answer is to burn all the f***king oil as quick as possible and the politicians will have to find a solution" -roger daltrey interview in the UK Sun's Bizarre section 5/19/07okay, i partially agree with him here...especially in the context of this particular quote, which was a piece of a larger block of blistering comments re: al gore's global warming concerts,
"Bollocks to that! The last thing the planet needs is a rock concert"..."We have problems with global warming, but the questions and the answers are so huge i don't know what a rock concert's ever going to do to help"...his take on celebrity altruism,
"What did we really achieve at Live8? We got loads of platitudes and no action."indeed...my heart begins to flutter ever so slightly...but before i whip out the champagne i have to disagree with his contention that "the politicians will have to find a solution". the best way they can help is to get the hell out of the way & let the market decide what the people really want. and if these celebrity do-gooders would just ONCE just lead by example and let their actions do their talking instead of having to expose us to the condescending drivel which seems to pass straight from their ears to their mouths without even the slightest hint of a brain having taken a second look at what they are channeling...i mean, when you destroy BIG BUSINESS through draconian measures meant to "solve" a problem which may or may not even be "a problem", well, who the hell are we gonna turn to to provide us jobs? the homeless? <--hope so!...there should be plenty more of them..
read full story referenced here
hat tip to the drudge report (where i found the story)
p.s.--the Who fucking rock.