Wednesday, May 23, 2007

God works in mysterious ways, right?

i've been kicking this thought around for awhile...what if...God was SO AWESOME...that He decided to utilize the advances of the human race to facilitate the return of Jesus Christ?

recently in the news, James Cameron, director of "Titanic" and the Terminator movies, among others, was reportedly preparing to debunk the whole story of the resurrection of Jesus, because he reportedly was shown the tomb of Jesus' family underneath a house in Jerusalem. story here

reportedly, he and his crew were able to secure DNA from what was, in their opinion, Jesus's final resting place. bear with me now...cameron supposedly is attempting to debunk the resurrection story, by creating a documentary or something showing this burial place as his proof that Jesus never rose from the dead...

BUT...what if he decides to go all the way with this? WHAT IF he decides to CLONE the DNA he found...thereby REPRODUCING Jesus? this "Jesus" would still technically be a "virgin birth", right? and, this new version of "Jesus" would have all of the advantages of technical advances such as the internet at his disposal...just IMAGINE the converts that could be gathered through miracles posted on YouTube....hell, He could even have his own myspace page!

His spinmeisters, i mean, His new disciples, could have a FIELD DAY with all of this..."yeah, this was all in His plan...Mary Magdelene actually witnessed a HOLOGRAPHIC IMAGE He projected from the He's back (really!) and he's ready to show mankind the REAL DEAL!!"

i wonder if God ever tires of having to deal with this "faith" issue...maybe that's an old-school concept (like B.C., fer sure). who sez God can't be hip to the new reality?

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