Friday, September 14, 2007

Random Thoughts #1 ... health care reform

i've been too busy packing this week to blog...but i've been thinking about something the past few days.

you know how all of these politicians want to give us "health care reform", a.k.a., some sort of government-run, government-overseen, "socialized medicine" of some form or another...the entire goal being that the public somehow sees it as "free"?

think about the titanic struggle taking place...a struggle between the professions. essentially, the lawyers want to wrestle control of providing health care from the "experts" of the system--the doctors. the lawyers have the great advantage here--they write "the laws", and are backed by the full power of a government which has the power to KILL, if need be, and at the very least, enforces the behavior it desires at the point of a gun. the doctors, after years and years of education, piling up tons of personal debt, go into business and after many more years of helping people become whole (health-wise), FINALLY begin to reap some financial reward for the career choice they made. the lawyers, after a few years of slogging through law school, learning the tricks they'll need to, for example, keep child molesters out of jail, can immediately start earning BIG BUCKS and picking and choosing who the winners and losers are, based upon who their clients are. and, the most successful ones can earn thousands of dollars an hour, making this out-of-reach to "the average criminal".

i say "bollocks" to all of this.

i want to see a grass-roots movement start where the public starts demanding "legal reform". it's ridiculous to watch a poor person completely at the mercy of the justice system with only a court-appointed public defender at his side. public defenders are good for ONE THING only--keeping the courts running smoothly. none of this tiresome defense stuff...they are the grease in the wheels of justice, cutting the deals which ensure that the prosecutors get to shine, the public defendant gets to have a clear conscience, the jail stays busy, the cops stay busy, etc... at every single point in the legal system money is extracted from the "criminal" for violating the laws that the lawyers--who stand atop this legal money mountain--create.

i think it's time for "FREE LEGAL CARE". i think everyone should have access to any lawyer they need. think about it, there may be differences between the doctors that the rich and the poor see, but, you're essentially getting the same result. poor health care can be fatal, but bad legal defense can be fatal as well, PLUS it adds insult to injury by planting a powerful boot squarely upon your neck (and the neck of entire groups, many times..).

FREE LEGAL CARE could be the greatest instrument ever for social justice and fair income redistribution. the new mantra could be "sue, Sue, SUE!!!!!!!!!!"

that's all for now. it's food for thought.

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