Tuesday, September 18, 2007

University of Florida student tasered after questioning John Kerry

i actually was going to check this out...i took the day off from work, but i heard the tickets (which were free) were all gone, and they would be letting people without tickets in later, if seats were open. there were PLENTY of empty seats.

after watching various videos of this, it's hard to imagine why exactly Andrew Meyer (UF journalism student) was being arrested, or even escorted away from the mic, because his behavior was pretty standard for these events. my impression is that even though everything was happening right in front of his face, Sen. Kerry couldn't even muster a "hey, wait a minute...we still have a first amendment in this country...". no, he just kept on talking. and the crowd, confronted with a questioner who was being manhandled by U of F police, were for the most part listening to Kerry, and ignoring the histrionics of Meyer, and his struggle with the police. hmmm....why? could it be because it was left vs. left?

was it because Meyer had asked Kerry if he was in "Skull and Bones" with George W. Bush? note to Meyer...hel-lo...this is a FACT. of course, many like to overlook this, because it's not "helpful" to the cause...

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