right-wing dutch lawmaker geert wilders probably won't be alive much longer, after resisting pressure to NOT release his film about islam & the koran, "Fitna"...
of course, the dutch government is gearing up to go into full apology mode...it looks like some dutch leftists are beating them to the punch...prepare yourself for the truly PATHETIC:
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Mark Steyn NAILS IT...
in a great piece today in the Orange County register, Steyn demonstrates how the Democratic race is shaping up as gargantuan death-match between two historical liberal guilts...with the voters left which one they think needs remedying the worst--racism or misogyny.
wow. you really should read the whole thing.
he describes the hillary vs. obama race as a new psycho version of "driving miss daisy"...guess which one is which? LOL.
his premise is that the "white boys" never had a chance, and neither did other possible peddlers of "identity politics". for example, his take on bill richardson:
wow. you really should read the whole thing.
he describes the hillary vs. obama race as a new psycho version of "driving miss daisy"...guess which one is which? LOL.
his premise is that the "white boys" never had a chance, and neither did other possible peddlers of "identity politics". for example, his take on bill richardson:
Bill Richardson was the first Hispanic candidate but nobody needs a Hispanic called "Bill Richardson."what an amazingly simple yet fascinatingly precise observation...i actually thought this myself a loooooooong time ago. i must be brilliant, too...
Monday, March 3, 2008
Gloria Steinem stumps for Hillary

proving yet again that her campaign is completely out of touch with anything even REMOTELY in touch with reality, now she trots out lunatic feminist icon gloria steinem on the campaign trail...in TEXAS???
i wonder how that's working out for the her?
steinem managed to toss scorn at mccain's P.O.W. experience-
Steinem raised McCain’s Vietnam imprisonment as she sought to highlight an alleged gender-based media bias against Clinton.for good measure, she also got in some whining over how people view racism as a more serious problem than sexism.
“Suppose John McCain had been Joan McCain and Joan McCain had got captured, shot down and been a POW for eight years. [The media would ask], ‘What did you do wrong to get captured? What terrible things did you do while you were there as a captive for eight years?’” Steinem said, to laughter from the audience.
McCain was, in fact, a prisoner of war for around five-and-a-half years, during which time he was tortured repeatedly. Referring to his time in captivity, Steinem said with bewilderment, “I mean, hello? This is supposed to be a qualification to be president? I don’t think so.”
Steinem’s broader argument was that the media and the political world are too admiring of militarism in all its guises.
“I am so grateful that she [Clinton] hasn’t been trained to kill anybody. And she probably didn’t even play war games as a kid. It’s a great relief from Bush in his jump suit and from Kerry saluting.”
To the Observer, Steinem insisted that “from George Washington to Jack Kennedy and PT-109 we have behaved as if killing people is a qualification for ruling people.”
... “a majority of Americans want redemption for racism, for our terrible destructive racist past and so see a vote for Obama as redemptive”...“I don’t think as many want redemption for the gynocide.”the "gynocide"???
Saturday, February 9, 2008
weekend update--Romney drops out, so do I...
this blog has been seriously neglected, and i need to change that, but life's been throwing a bunch of curveballs at me lately, and my eyes aren't near as sharp as they once were.
well, so Romney dropped out the other day, 'for the sake of the party', or whatever. when i listened to the speech the other day, my heart just began to sink. i was originally behind him, then i flirted with Fred for the week or two he was officially in the running, then back to Mitt. i thought he was a real class act, and my heart and mind were moving towards becoming completely invested in his campaign. i never questioned his "conservative credentials", and his "flip-flops" on key issues were not a problem to me. hell, i've followed the same path. people grow. people change. he was moving in the right direction.
last night my band played a gig here in gainesville, FL. after a few beers, i needed some relief, so i strolled into the men's room. what i saw at the urinal made me laugh out loud....

i don't think "this picture sums it up" would be accurate...but, it sure was funny. kind of eerie, too...
well, so Romney dropped out the other day, 'for the sake of the party', or whatever. when i listened to the speech the other day, my heart just began to sink. i was originally behind him, then i flirted with Fred for the week or two he was officially in the running, then back to Mitt. i thought he was a real class act, and my heart and mind were moving towards becoming completely invested in his campaign. i never questioned his "conservative credentials", and his "flip-flops" on key issues were not a problem to me. hell, i've followed the same path. people grow. people change. he was moving in the right direction.
last night my band played a gig here in gainesville, FL. after a few beers, i needed some relief, so i strolled into the men's room. what i saw at the urinal made me laugh out loud....
i don't think "this picture sums it up" would be accurate...but, it sure was funny. kind of eerie, too...
Saturday, February 2, 2008
wesley snipes and the IRS

about a month ago, a friend of mine went into great detail telling me about some scheme he had become involved in which involved speculation into a certain precious metal...we'll just call it "silver" for short. for the sake of brevity, let's just say that the story covered about all the bases imaginable...our money is not really worth anything, the federal reserve is unconstitutional, the only thing worth owning is what ultimately backs all world currency (i.e. - gold), the rich of the world know the truth and just support the banking system because it keeps suckers like me in line, etc...
a big part of the scenario he laid out was how the IRS can't legally take our money, because it's not constitional. there was also some underlying notion that there is a difference between being an "AMERICAN" vs being a "U.S. CITIZEN", and, apparently, if you know this difference you'll never get convicted of crimes because the constitution is the ultimate protection, and, according to his "guru" who told him all of this, you just have to pose certain questions regarding constitutional authority to the judge, and if he answers "truthfully", he'll have to throw the case out of court. it seemed really far-fetched to these ears.
but, now i'm not so sure.
around the time he was telling me this, actor wesley snipes was being brought up in federal court on charges of tax evasion, a charge he freely admitted to, though his argument was that the constitution didn't require him to pay taxes on money made in this country. i asked my friend about it. he said, "you watch, he'll walk...". he said his guru knew the lawyers involved in the case. i was laughing...this was a SLAM DUNK.
i thought my gut was completely validated when snipes tried to get the case moved out of the federal court in ocala and moved to manhattan because ocala was too "racist" to give him a fair trial. that seemed like a desparation move to me. the judge nixed that request, and the trial was on!
after the government made their case, it was the defense's turn. they had warned that they had a huge list of celebrities to testify on snipe's behalf. but, surprisingly, they decided not to call any witnesses... they simply stated that the government had not proved it's case, and sent it to what was previously referred to as the "racist" jury...hmmm.
well, yesterday the verdict was announced: Snipes aquitted of tax fraud. they did find him guilty of failing to file a tax return, but not the failure to pay the taxes.
i need to meet this guru.
Friday, January 25, 2008
Chickens and Pigs--"Sunday Beer"
my buddy jeff evans from atlanta/athens turned me onto this...a new video from his band Chickens and Pigs...GREAT band, btw...and this video is really off the chain.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Hugo Chavez admits he's a cokehead!

it's cool...he gets some kind of ice cream from castro, and he gets his coca paste from Bolivian president Evo Morales, according to his own words in a speech he gave to his National Assembly.
"I chew coca every day in the morning . . . and look how I am,'' he is seen saying on a video of the speech, as he shows his biceps to the audience.W could never get away with something like that...
Fred is out of the race. Can i get my money back?
Sunday, January 20, 2008
sunday afternoon link roundup
over at the huffington post, ex-Georgia football star Herschel Walker reveals that he has "multiple personalities"...
actress Suzanne Pleshette has died. best known for her role on "the bob newhart show", she was also great in hitchcock's "the birds"...
Bill Clinton is claiming that the Nevada culinary workers union was suppressing the vote...the union has endorsed Obama. Hillary "won" the caucus, but Barack won more delegates. i don't understand these caucuses at all..
the Packers and the Giants are going to freeze their asses off tonight..
the JawaReport has the story of a newspaper editor in Belarus sentenced to three years in prison for publishing the mohammed cartoon....
"RONPAULAPALOOZA" scheduled for 4th of July...former Rep. Cynthia McKinney scheduled to speak, and one of the musical headliners is reportedly a jew-hating hardcore band--Poker Face. nice job, paulbots..
actress Suzanne Pleshette has died. best known for her role on "the bob newhart show", she was also great in hitchcock's "the birds"...
Bill Clinton is claiming that the Nevada culinary workers union was suppressing the vote...the union has endorsed Obama. Hillary "won" the caucus, but Barack won more delegates. i don't understand these caucuses at all..
the Packers and the Giants are going to freeze their asses off tonight..
the JawaReport has the story of a newspaper editor in Belarus sentenced to three years in prison for publishing the mohammed cartoon....
"RONPAULAPALOOZA" scheduled for 4th of July...former Rep. Cynthia McKinney scheduled to speak, and one of the musical headliners is reportedly a jew-hating hardcore band--Poker Face. nice job, paulbots..
Friday, January 18, 2008
i've now joined hands with SATAN
after resisting this for YEARS, i've finally decided to completely sell out...
...i've got a myspace account.
...i've got a myspace account.
Monday, January 14, 2008
How a Ron Paul supporter 'learned to love Big Brother'
Revolusion 2008 has the most amazing sequence of screenshots featuring one of RP's big supporters having an online meltdown over the release of old RP newsletters which have been been raising questions, at the very least, of whether RP is a racist and/or homophobic. examples (oh, and this is one guy over the course of a few hours):
i've always heard that you can judge someone by the friends they keep...and here's Klansman David Duke offering Paul advice on how to cope, probably unsolicited, but online.
thanks to LGF.
"Need some come back lines real quick. They aren't buying the campaign's story after seeing these."just some excerpts, but, essentially, this guy could be told 2+2=5 at this point..
"My roomates just came in and looked at the solicitation letter, they are screaming. I am going to get some drinks..."
"I think what upsets me most is that the campaign ran with the line that they knew nothing about them when they were written and were denounced, now with the way they were written and the signatures...I feel like i do nothing but make excuses anymore.. DAMN!"
"OK, OK, I think I'm seeing clearly now...look who we are fighting. if these people can manufacture a war...."
"Quit fucking telling me to relax. it seems we are always being told "trust us". I need more right now."
"Let's just stick with the line that the signatures are fake. Anything else just confuses the situation."
"How do we get this out there?"
"...but the point is to repeat it over and over. we can make that thought reality."
i've always heard that you can judge someone by the friends they keep...and here's Klansman David Duke offering Paul advice on how to cope, probably unsolicited, but online.
thanks to LGF.
media bias,
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
hillary--the new "comeback kid"!
the pre-election polls showed her up to 12 points behind Barack...with around 47% of the votes in, she's ahead by 39%-37%...women are voting for her (according to MSNBC exit polls) 47%-30%, and women are making up 55+% of the vote.
this is a HUGE surprise to me. and to everyone else.
on the other side, McCain seems to be cruising...5% points over Romney with about half the votes counted...37%-32%...Rudy floundering, Fred floundering...
UPDATE: left-wingers already blaming Diebold for Hillary's mysterious comeback...
UPDATE #2: at 11 o'clock pm EST, MSNBC is reporting that Fred has 1% of the vote...i will have to find someone else to support...and i'm not so worried about the philosophy...no matter who the president is, i'll still be able to have an abortion no matter who wins, and i'll still pay almost no income tax..........
this is a HUGE surprise to me. and to everyone else.
on the other side, McCain seems to be cruising...5% points over Romney with about half the votes counted...37%-32%...Rudy floundering, Fred floundering...
UPDATE: left-wingers already blaming Diebold for Hillary's mysterious comeback...
UPDATE #2: at 11 o'clock pm EST, MSNBC is reporting that Fred has 1% of the vote...i will have to find someone else to support...and i'm not so worried about the philosophy...no matter who the president is, i'll still be able to have an abortion no matter who wins, and i'll still pay almost no income tax..........
Hillary! to Obama--'No More False Hopes For My Victims'
the Clinton campaign has been in full damage-control mode in New Hampshire to maintain the status quo and keep the poor minorities in line...at the debate saturday night the only real time she demonstrated she had a pulse was when she sensed that Barack was beginning to sound uplifting...and she scolded him for raising "false hope".
according to this piece in the New York Times, her "strategy" in response is edging closer and closer to overt racially-motivated fear-mongering:
then, Saint Hillary demonstrated that she must not have gotten the talking points memo when she spoke to FOX News. responding to questions about Obama's comparing his message of hope to MLK, Jr., and JFK, Hillary chimed in:
according to this piece in the New York Times, her "strategy" in response is edging closer and closer to overt racially-motivated fear-mongering:
Today, in Dover, Francine Torge, a former John Edwards supporter, said this while introducing Mrs. Clinton: “Some people compare one of the other candidates to John F. Kennedy. But he was assassinated. And Lyndon Baines Johnson was the one who actually” passed the civil rights legislation.the writer points out that some hack on the Clinton campaign tried to distance them from Torge's comments, but the candidate herself did not seem to flinch at all when the comment was made.
The comment, an apparent reference to Senator Barack Obama, is particularly striking given documented fears among blacks that Mr. Obama will be assassinated if elected.
then, Saint Hillary demonstrated that she must not have gotten the talking points memo when she spoke to FOX News. responding to questions about Obama's comparing his message of hope to MLK, Jr., and JFK, Hillary chimed in:
“Dr. King’s dream began to be realized when President Johnson passed the Civil Rights Act...It took a president to get it done.”SEE? it took the good white liberals to get this stuff done! she went on to sharpen her message later, at another campaign stop
“You know, today Senator Obama used President John F. Kennedy and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. to criticize me. He basically compared himself to our greatest heroes because they gave great speeches.here she goofed. she forgot to mention that King was assassinated.
“President Kennedy was in Congress for 14 years. He was a war hero. He was a man of great accomplishments and readiness to be president. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. led a movement. He was gassed. He was beaten. He was jailed. And he gave a speech that was one of the most beautifully, profoundly important speeches ever written in America, the “I have a dream” speech.
“And then he worked with President Johnson to get the civil rights laws passed, because the dream couldn’t be realized until finally it was legally permissible for people of all colors and backgrounds and races and ethnicities to be accepted as citizens."
political correctness
Monday, January 7, 2008
did DePalma's "Redacted" get two US soldiers killed in Iraq?
this is the question posed by military blogger Pat Dollard...
he points out how bootleg DVDs are rampant in Iraq, from the general population to the US military. "Redacted" had recently been broadcast for free on HDNet, making it available for download to anybody in the world.
"Redacted", of course, is a fictional tale of the rape and murder of an Iraqi girl by US troops.
Dollard points to Aswat Aliraq (an iraqi blog) for the details of the shooting deaths:
as Dollard pointed out in his post, by "The U.S. side denied...", this means that they had been asked. thanks, Mark Cuban. thanks, Brian DePalma. nice job. hope it was worth it.
note the message at the bottom of the movie poster...TRUTH IS THE FIRST CASUALTY OF WAR. yep, you said it...
he points out how bootleg DVDs are rampant in Iraq, from the general population to the US military. "Redacted" had recently been broadcast for free on HDNet, making it available for download to anybody in the world.
"Redacted", of course, is a fictional tale of the rape and murder of an Iraqi girl by US troops.
Dollard points to Aswat Aliraq (an iraqi blog) for the details of the shooting deaths:
Ninewa, Jan 4, (VOI) – The Iraqi soldier who killed two U.S. soldiers in Mosul 10 days ago was a member of an armed group who infiltrated into a joint Iraqi-U.S. force, the commander of the Iraqi army's 2nd Division said.
"The soldier was part of a joint Iraqi-U.S. patrol undertaking security duty in al-Haramat area, western Mosul, on December 26. When the patrol came under firing attack, the soldier opened fire at U.S. soldiers and killed two of them," Brig. Mutaa Habib al-Khazraji told the independent news agency Voices of Iraq (VOI).
"The patrol soldiers managed to arrest him and he is now under the Iraqi side's investigative custody," Khazraji added.
The U.S. side denied that this Iraqi soldier opened fire at U.S. servicemen because they sexually harassed an Iraqi girl, affirming that the scene where the incident took place was void of any civilians.
On December 28, 2007 the U.S. army had announced that two of its soldiers died of wounds sustained when they came under light arms' fire during military operations in Mosul.
as Dollard pointed out in his post, by "The U.S. side denied...", this means that they had been asked. thanks, Mark Cuban. thanks, Brian DePalma. nice job. hope it was worth it.

note the message at the bottom of the movie poster...TRUTH IS THE FIRST CASUALTY OF WAR. yep, you said it...
take me out of the running--Erin Burnett a little too high maintenance for me...
Erin Burnett, CNBC business anchor & the object of much piggish behavior on the part of several male media "personalities", i.e. Hardball's Chris Matthews (i saw this one live, and i couldn't believe my eyes or ears):
...AND, mr. "excellence-in-broadcasting" himself:
according to a NY Post gossip column today:
...AND, mr. "excellence-in-broadcasting" himself:
Scarborough: Let's talk about the Republican field...i guess all of this high-powered testosterone-laced attention have given the fair Ms. Burnett quite the big head...
Limbaugh: Wait a minute, Joe. Before you go there, I have to say something. I heard Erin Burnett sounding a little wifey, Erin, you said you're gonna be listening. I love listening to myself, but it's great to know you're listening to me too. Nobody can big foot you, Erin...
Burnett: I got bigfooted out, that's what happened Rush. Limbaugh: The truth is that anybody that follows you, Erin, can't match what you've done.
Burnett: Thank you, Rush....You made my day. I'm done now, I'm going home.
Limbaugh went to tell Scarborough, Burnett is "fabulous on economics. She understands it and she's not afraid to go against the conventional wisdom....fresh voice. I'm not sucking up here I'm giving you an honest professional assessment."

In her list of "Eight Things That Would Impress Me," in next month's Men's Health, the high-maintenance news hottie advises: "Any guy who can plan a trip to an exotic locale, such as Mongolia, Mozambique or Papua New Guinea, would impress me . . .You could unlock my heart by allowing me to dream up my next trip. I love to travel and hope to eventually set foot in 100 countries . . . Family is important to me, so round-trip business-class tickets to Australia and New Zealand for my parents would earn you big points in my book . . . I'd be impressed if you thought to send a yoga instructor to my apartment for private sessions . . . Hiring a personal chef to prepare meals for the few nights a week I am home would be unforgettable . . . A long weekend spa getaway for my sisters and me would be perfection."like i said, i'm outta this dogfight...
hot chicks,
political correctness,
talk radio,
Friday, January 4, 2008
It doesn't just happen in the middle east...

The woman and the man guilty of adultery or fornication, flog each of them with 100 stripes: Let no compassion move you in their case, in a matter prescribed by Allah, if you believe in Allah and the Last Day. (Koran 24:2)
the two lovely young ladies to the right are Sarah Yaser Said and Amina Yaser Said, the daughters of Egyptian-born Texas cabdriver, Yaser Abdel Said. make that...WERE his daughters. they're now dead--multiple gunshot wounds.
Police provided no clues about the motive for the killings. "There are several things we're looking into," said Irving police Officer David Tull, noting that the suspect faces capital murder charges.sounds like an "honor killing" to me...i've never heard of this happening in the United States, but, the world is changing...
Officer Tull said there have been some "domestic issues" with the family, but he did not elaborate.
Police did say they are looking into the possibility that the father was upset with his daughters' dating activities.
this tragic story comes on the heels of three other similar events which have happened recently, all of which involve the treatment of women under Islam, detailed here by Ayaan Hirsi Ali:
A 20-year-old woman from Qatif, Saudi Arabia, reported that she had been abducted by several men and repeatedly raped. But judges found the victim herself to be guilty. Her crime is called 'mingling': when she was abducted, she was in a car with a man not related to her by blood or marriage, and in Saudi Arabia, that is illegal. Last month, she was sentenced to six months in prison and 200 lashes with a bamboo cane.that islamic justice is rough stuff. in the case of the woman from Saudi Arabia, Ayaan writes:
We also saw Islamic justice in action in Sudan, when a 54-year-old British teacher named Gillian Gibbons was sentenced to 15 days in jail before the government pardoned her this week; she could have faced 40 lashes. When she began a reading project with her class involving a teddy bear, Ms. Gibbons suggested the children choose a name for it. They chose Muhammad; she let them do it. This was deemed to be blasphemy.
Then there's Taslima Nasreen, the 45-year-old Bangladeshi writer who bravely defends women's rights in the Muslim world. Forced to flee Bangladesh, she has been living in India. But Muslim groups there want her expelled, and one has offered 500,000 rupees for her head. In August she was assaulted by Muslim militants in Hyderabad, and in recent weeks she has had to leave Calcutta and then Rajasthan. Taslima Nasreen's visa expires next year, and she fears she will not be allowed to live in India again.
...her life will certainly never return to normal: already there have been reports that her brother has tried to kill her because her 'crime' has tarnished her family's honor.for "mingling", mind you...
back to the Said sisters, according to the Washington Times "Fishwrap" blog:
Friends of the girls say their father was Egyptian and critical of popular American lifestyles. "I'm definitely 100% sure that it was her dad that killed her," said Kathleen Wong, a friend of the dead teenagers.Amina's myspace page..."Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive."
Wong says the girl's father was verbally abusive and that Sarah, especially, lived in fear. "She's always told me that she was always so scared of her dad," says Wong. "Even at school if a teacher joked around like, 'I'm gonna tell your parents about this', she would like totally flip out and start crying like, 'please don't tell'."
i'm still waiting for some reaction from feminists to ANY of this...i'm NOT holding my breath, though...
ayaan hirsi ali,
political correctness,
Air America host says he's glad the tiger killed the boy
from Radio Equalizer:
speaking of liberals making fun of people being killed by animals, check this out:
Bill Maher...Halloween 2006. Irwin died September 4, 2006.
LIONEL: Call me wacky, but hurray for the tiger that killed the kid who was... taunting him. Now, I know this is not right... but let's hear it for the wild... I loathe zoos.nice, Lionel. they can never just leave it at "i hate zoos". it has to go straight to "i'm glad a human died at the hands of one of the oppressed animals". apparently, this blood-thirst extends itself beyond animals in captivity...
I'm still cheering the fact that some stingray whacked that Aussie pain in the ass Steve Irwin.and to show it wasn't just a slip of the tongue, he repeats it on his own blog:
If you shoot a tiger with a sling-shot, you deserve to get mauled. That’s just how it works.hmm...i wonder what his stance on capital punishment would be?
speaking of liberals making fun of people being killed by animals, check this out:

media bias,
political correctness,
talk radio
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
a buddy of mine "came out" yesterday...sorta!
it was on the way to the Capital One Bowl...we stopped to get something to drink since both of us were tired & hung over from too much partying NYE. on the way back to his truck, we found that someone had punk'd him, GOOD:

that was pretty much the highlight of the day...the Gators stunk up the house against Michigan, and i didn't get to eat here:
that was pretty much the highlight of the day...the Gators stunk up the house against Michigan, and i didn't get to eat here:
UF Gators
Shocker! even the New York Times is waking up to Global Warming hooey!
This is pretty brutal...is the "consensus" falling apart?
this NYT piece came just a day after Investor's Business Daily predicted
that the consensus will fade in 2008:
the moderator's attempt to reduce the "debate" on climate change to a "show of hands" was telling.
this NYT piece came just a day after Investor's Business Daily predicted
that the consensus will fade in 2008:
If 2007 was the Year of Al Gore, with his movie, Academy Award and Nobel Prize, 2008 just might be the year the so-called scientific consensus that man is causing the Earth to warm begins to crack.they forgot the scene from the Republican debate in Iowa:
The fissures started to show in 2007: Prominent French physicist Claude Allegre called Gore a crook and equates Gore's French followers with religious zealots. Weather Channel founder and meteorologist John Coleman said global warming is "the greatest scam in history." Gore continued to duck open invitations to debate his theory. More than 400 scientists disputed the global warming claims.
Though they were shut out of the meeting, dissenting scientists were able to get a bit of media attention at the December climate conference in Bali.
Richard Lindzen, professor of atmospheric science at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, told us that it will take several years for the climate change scare to finally die. But the death spiral will begin at some point, and it looks like the spinning will start in '08.
the moderator's attempt to reduce the "debate" on climate change to a "show of hands" was telling.
global warming,
political correctness
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