about all i really know about this disease is from watching the paul newman movie, "Hud", in which an outbreak occurs on his ranch and the feds swarm in and oversee a mass slaughter of their entire herd of cattle. patricia neal was extremely sexy in this movie...

okay, she was pretty hot in "the day the earth stood still", too, but i was talking about "Hud"...
my girlfriend asked me "what is foot-and-mouth disease?", and proceeded to tell me about her trip to England when "mad cow disease" was running rampant. honestly, i didn't really have a clue, since to the best of my knowledge, it's pretty much been eradicated. except, according to Wikipedia, in the UK where it apparently resurfaces from time-to-time.
since it seems to pop up every once in a while, this throws a wrench into the islamo-fascist bio-terror theory which i'm sure most bloggers were salivating to get their hands on. it may still happen to be the case, but i guess we'll just have to let the brit authorities do their jobs for now.
i would remind them that muslims consider pork to be unclean...
...this would actually be a great idea for the question posed in the New York Times today, "If you were a terrorist, how would you attack?"
just imagine how much you could divide a country if you pit terrorism hawks against PETA members...farmers vs federal agricultural dept agents...meat eaters vs vegetarians...etc...
no quotes around girlfriend!
not this time!
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