maybe they'll quit now.
STOCKHOLM, Sweden (AP) - Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards has demanded an apology from Swedish newspapers for their scathing reviews of the group's performance in the country earlier this month.come to think of it, i saw the Stones when they were already too old to be taken seriously. it was 1981, at the Tangerine Bowl in Orlando. the stage dwarfed them. as much as Mick skipped around the stage in his leotards, it couldn't hide the fact that the rest of the band were basically old, decaying statues parked way back off of the ramp thingys in the front of the stage. and...they sounded like crap. the stones music by this point was not suited at all for a football stadium. it was muddy, off-key, tempo-challenged, and impossible to watch. plus, the cheesy stage set, which was essentially 1980's-mall inspired, didn't help. (this isn't the actual stage set, but it's the cover of the live album from the tour):
Tabloids Expressen and Aftonbladet gave thumbs down to the Aug. 3 concert at Ullevi stadium in Goteborg, with Expressen suggesting Richards was "superdrunk" on stage.

see what i mean? it looks like something molly ringwald would wear. nothing wrong with THAT, mind you, but...THIS IS "THE STONES".
they suck so bad now. when's the last time they had a song anyone can remember? that "tattoo you" stuff was okay, but, that was over a quarter century ago. let me repeat that: A QUARTER CENTURY AGO. when they were ALREADY OLD.
anyway, keith is pretty pissed off about this review:
"This is a first!" the 63-year-old rock star wrote in a letter published by Stockholm daily Dagens Nyheter. "Never before have I risen to the bait of a bad review.waaaah waaaaah waaaaaaaaaaaaah.
"But this time ... I have to stand up ... for our fans all over Sweden ... to say that you owe them, and us, an apology."
obviously, mr. rockstar has reached the age where his skin is getting just a little too thin to be subject to judgment. god, that's hard to believe though...just look at the picture above. did he have kevlar injections? i thought that stuff doesn't rust!!!
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