but, who really cares about "the facts" about the baby? much more intriguing is the timing of this.
here we are a couple weeks from the Iowa caucus. Hillary's commanding lead has evaporated, and she's more or less in a dead heat with Obama and Edwards. from the past few weeks, we now know that Obama is a muslim, was a muslim, or for all we know might be some kind of muslim manchurian candidate--at least, according to former Sen. Bob Kerrey (as he announced his endorsement of Clinton..). and, let's not forget that Obama may have been a COKE dealer!
but, what about the "squeaky-clean" Edwards?
luckily for Hillary, a lot of people who might vote for her read the NATIONAL ENQUIRER...or at least i *suppose* they do. lucky for her, one of the key owners of the Enquirer is a guy by the name of Roger Altman, a former Deputy Treasury Secretary in the Bill Clinton administration. interestingly, as this Business Week interview shows, Altman identifies himself as an advisor to Hillary's campaign, which makes the tabloid Enquirer's story that much more juicy and compelling. as the Politico article sez:
What the tabloid's readers, in politics and out, may not know is that a key owner of the Enquirer is a prominent New York investment banker and one of Hillary Clinton's key backers, Roger Altman. Altman was an official in the first Clinton administration, and his name is often mentioned as a possible Clinton Treasury Secretary."key backer"? possible Treasury Secretary?
to be this STUPID is a clear sign that all is not well in hillaryland...
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