Monday, January 7, 2008

take me out of the running--Erin Burnett a little too high maintenance for me...

Erin Burnett, CNBC business anchor & the object of much piggish behavior on the part of several male media "personalities", i.e. Hardball's Chris Matthews (i saw this one live, and i couldn't believe my eyes or ears):

...AND, mr. "excellence-in-broadcasting" himself:
Scarborough: Let's talk about the Republican field...
Limbaugh: Wait a minute, Joe. Before you go there, I have to say something. I heard Erin Burnett sounding a little wifey, Erin, you said you're gonna be listening. I love listening to myself, but it's great to know you're listening to me too. Nobody can big foot you, Erin...
Burnett: I got bigfooted out, that's what happened Rush. Limbaugh: The truth is that anybody that follows you, Erin, can't match what you've done.
Burnett: Thank you, Rush....You made my day. I'm done now, I'm going home.

Limbaugh went to tell Scarborough, Burnett is "fabulous on economics. She understands it and she's not afraid to go against the conventional wisdom....fresh voice. I'm not sucking up here I'm giving you an honest professional assessment."
i guess all of this high-powered testosterone-laced attention have given the fair Ms. Burnett quite the big head...according to a NY Post gossip column today:
In her list of "Eight Things That Would Impress Me," in next month's Men's Health, the high-maintenance news hottie advises: "Any guy who can plan a trip to an exotic locale, such as Mongolia, Mozambique or Papua New Guinea, would impress me . . .You could unlock my heart by allowing me to dream up my next trip. I love to travel and hope to eventually set foot in 100 countries . . . Family is important to me, so round-trip business-class tickets to Australia and New Zealand for my parents would earn you big points in my book . . . I'd be impressed if you thought to send a yoga instructor to my apartment for private sessions . . . Hiring a personal chef to prepare meals for the few nights a week I am home would be unforgettable . . . A long weekend spa getaway for my sisters and me would be perfection."
like i said, i'm outta this dogfight...

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