Saturday, February 9, 2008

weekend update--Romney drops out, so do I...

this blog has been seriously neglected, and i need to change that, but life's been throwing a bunch of curveballs at me lately, and my eyes aren't near as sharp as they once were.

well, so Romney dropped out the other day, 'for the sake of the party', or whatever. when i listened to the speech the other day, my heart just began to sink. i was originally behind him, then i flirted with Fred for the week or two he was officially in the running, then back to Mitt. i thought he was a real class act, and my heart and mind were moving towards becoming completely invested in his campaign. i never questioned his "conservative credentials", and his "flip-flops" on key issues were not a problem to me. hell, i've followed the same path. people grow. people change. he was moving in the right direction.

last night my band played a gig here in gainesville, FL. after a few beers, i needed some relief, so i strolled into the men's room. what i saw at the urinal made me laugh out loud....

i don't think "this picture sums it up" would be accurate...but, it sure was funny. kind of eerie, too...

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