Tuesday, December 18, 2007

clinton campaign pushing the "obama is a muslim" line...media matters ignores it...

poor Barack Hussein Obama...he just can't catch a break from this "madrassa" thing. even after the Hillary! campaign fires one of it's county coordinators in Iowa for passing along an "obama is the muslim 'manchurian candidate'" email, which generated apologies from the Clinton campaign and insistence that this type of behavior would not be tolerated...only to have Clinton strategist Mark Penn repeat the "rumor" or whatever on Hardball (along with the cocaine rumors & Obama wanting to be prez since he was in kindergarten "slam"...):

the other day former Sen. Bob Kerrey endorsed Hillary!, and in an interview with the Washington Post complimented Obama using his entire name--Barack HUSSEIN Obama:
"It's probably not something that appeals to him, but I like the fact that his name is Barack Hussein Obama, and that his father was a Muslim and that his paternal grandmother is a Muslim. There's a billion people on the planet that are Muslims and I think that experience is a big deal."
so, Sen. Kerrey, is he or isn't he??? c'mon, mr. "9/11 commission" dude!!

not just the right-wing blogs are hot on this Kerrey/Obama thing...the blog over at ABC News is wondering why Kerrey would use Obama's middle name, and points out the obvious:
A clear attempt to raise an issue while pretending not to raise it.
these Clintonistas are something else. of course, they've used their George Soros-funded, David Brock-run "media watchdog" website mediamatters.org keep tabs on all the
smears from the right on the Obama/madrassa rumor, but are strangely quiet when the source of the smear comes from Team Hillary...

then get a load of the "expose'" they've done over at the other Clinton-run media watchdog site Think Progress, where they really call Kerrey to the carpet:
This evening on CNN’s The Situation Room, former Sen. Bob Kerrey asserted that Barack Obama had spent time “in a secular madrassa” and argued this was a “tremendous strength” for Obama...

...Note to Kerrey: Barack Obama never attended a “secular madrassa” — an inherently contradictory term because a madrassa is, by definition, a religiously-based school.
i don't know any way you can interpret that last sentence besides to suggest that Obama must've received some hardcore Islamic schooling as a child...

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