it doesn't matter, really. her "favorite mistake" was losing her independence as a writer and taking this job as a advisor, which disarmed her completely:
...I wasn't in a position, contractually, to hit back against the evil Republican National Committee when they started to circulate pernicious things about what I was doing on the campaign. The whole "Alpha Male" flap, the whole "earth tone" (wardrobe) flap was completely invented out of whole cloth - the stuff of urban legends, but they were such good urban legends they quickly got picked up by the mainstream media because no one was fact-checking it, and my hands were, sweetie, they were checking it. since Algore's campaign was in disarray, and Bill Bradley was coming on strong, you were brought in to teach him how to fight back. this was reported ALL OVER the more "liberal" outlets in the media...why, exactly, would they succumb to a Republican dirty trick? to help George W. Bush win???
naomi, your biggest mistake WAS taking that job, but your bigger mistake was your advice...not the fact that you couldn't respond...

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