Monday, December 31, 2007

more global warming hypocrisy...the case of Molten Metal Technologies and their ties to Algore

just ran across this at The American's a blog post which goes back and digs up an old CNN story from 1997 which shows pretty strong evidence of a quid pro quo between Molten Metal Technologies receiving government subsidies (huge contracts from the DOE which were funded year after year over the objections of gov't scientists), and contributions from entrepreneur Bill Haney and the rest of the company's executives to Clinton-Gore and the Democratic Party. it's a finger-lickin' good account of good old-school Washington, lobbyists, fancy dinners, buying influence, taking care of your know, all the stuff that Democrats like Algore accuse their opponents of! from the CNN article:
The Haney-Gore Connection:

The Massachusetts businessman gave often to the Veep and his party and snagged a string of federal contracts from the Energy Department. Examples:

What he gave
$15,000 from his firm to the Democratic Party on March 24, 1994

What he got
A $9 million extension of his federal contract on March 24, 1994

What he gave
$10,000 from his executives to the Clinton-Gore team on June 14, 1995

What he got
A $10 million extension of his contract on June 14, 1995

What he gave
$10,000 from his firm to the Democratic Party on May 7, 1996

What he got
An $8 million extension of his contract on May 10, 1996

What he gave
Nothing directly, but partner Lockheed Martin donated $100,000 to the Democratic Party on June 27, 1996

What he got
A $27 million contract on Sept. 25, 1996, to the partnership he formed with Lockheed Martin to develop a cleanup plan for a site in Richland, Wash.
what does this have to do with global warming?

specifically speaking, the issues aren't related. or are they? it turns out Haney's chief lobbyist was a guy named Peter Knight, who, conveniently, had been in Algore's inner political circle from his days of being in the House and the Senate...which means he was there from the beginning of the insufferable windbag Algore's obsession with this global menace, and since politics and money tend to go hand-in-hand, isn't it possible that they could've dreamed up ways to make a quick buck over it?

fast forward to a few weeks back...a report was issued from the US Senate which provided a list of over 400 scientists who had spoken out in the year 2007 criticizing the "conventional wisdom" in regards to the so-called "scientific consensus" related to man-made global warming (which i blogged about here). the Gore gang responded...according to an article in the washington times:
After a quick review of the report, Gore spokeswoman Kalee Kreider said 25 or 30 of the scientists may have received funding from Exxon Mobil Corp.
"quick review"..."may have received funding"...this is so typical of the global-warming crowd--they won't debate...discrediting their critics is always good enough. not that it matters, but there was a response:
Exxon Mobil spokesman Gantt H. Walton dismissed the accusation, saying the company is concerned about climate-change issues and does not pay scientists to bash global-warming theories.
i'm not sure that's completely true, but i will trust a corporation's word at least equally to a politician or a government employee's word anyday. to me this is so obviously a power struggle between the government hacks of the world who tax their citizens in order to prop up their money-making machine, i.e. "government", and corporate interests who have to fight off these parasites.

it's hard to take the global-warming crowd seriously when they don't lead by example, for instance flying hundreds of private jets to the conference in Bali...couldn't they at least have attempted to do this via satellite or something? us how technology can be used to make us smarter guardians of our environment? i guess that misses the point. then there's the issue of Gore's huge Tennessee mansion whose energy usage is estimated at 20 times the national they say, "do as i say, not as i do"...and then there's the ridiculous carbon credit scam, where heavy polluters can buy absolution by preventing others from polluting...and which Algore himself has a financial stake in, as he is the founder and chairman of the Generation Investment Management LLP, who he purchases his own carbon offset credits from!! genius!!

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