Wednesday, June 20, 2007

good news, bad news

i've actually had my fingers crossed for something similar to this for awhile...the US might offer Tony Blair a role as a middle east peace envoy after he steps down as prime minister. this is cool. blair is, in my opinion, the most eloquent world leader when it comes to talking about the "war on terror".

the bad news: the plan is to stick him in the Palistinean mess. more bad news: the proposed role for him would have him not only report to us, but also the EU (meh...), Russia (nightmare), and the UNITED NATIONS (utter catastrophe). unless a lot of diplomatic sleight-of-hand is going on here in regards to what Blair would share with the other "entities", this is utterly a waste of talent.

i was really hoping that Bush was going to hire Blair to come over here and explain to the American people what's actually at that, for once, it would make some sense.

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