Saturday, June 23, 2007

interesting: where are the big brothers?

this is an interesting piece by blogger Daily Pundit...Where are the Big Brothers? he references an an op/ed in the wall street journal in which Big Brothers/Big Sisters are having a really tough time getting males to volunteer, and since "the littles" can only be paired with "bigs" of the same sex, this is causing problems all over the country.

this WSJ piece doesn't point to the same possible explanation that Daily Pundit offers--that this might just be a logical male reaction to a potentially dangerous situation. he goes on to show how this trend with BB/BS parallels the exact same trend in education below the high-school level...the percentage of women teachers and principals is way up, men--way down, sometimes no men at all in certain schools. there are several theories offered, i.e. "teaching is women's work", etc...but i think there's something to this theory of daily pundit's...actually, he takes it even further!!:
Let me take this theme further by suggesting it might also help explain our low rate of marriage. There’s much loose talk in the popular literature about atmospherics such as today’s lack of commitment, but consider the possibility that men are refusing to marry women because the risks are too great.
it sort of takes me back to when i was married to a woman with a young daughter and an insanely pissed-off and diabolically-minded ex-husband...i often thought about what would happen if he just decided to claim that the little girl had told him that i had made an inappropriate move. i would have been guilty until proven innocent in no time at all...the morale of this story is: guys, don't date or marry women with kids who have a bio-dad nearby. this situation is fraught with danger.

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