KERRY (in answer to a question from a caller): "Let me just say to the first part of your question with respect to boat people and killing, everybody predicted a massive bloodbath in Vietnam. There was not a massive bloodbath in Vietnam. There were reeducation camps, and they weren't pretty and, you know, nobody, you know, likes that kind of outcome. But on the other hand, I've met a lot of people today who were in those education camps, who are thriving in the Vietnam of today."i italicized the latter part of this quote because it seems that Kerry is constantly meeting with people--be they foreign leaders or ordinary citizens--who support his contentions, BUT THEY NEVER GET NAMED. he gets away with this ALL THE TIME, and nobody in the MSM calls him out on this. the substance of his contention...which is part of his rationalization for the "need" to "redeploy" (a.k.a. "withdraw") our troops from iraq, his effort to obscure the analogy to the post-vietnam situation is woefully incorrect, if not diabolically misleading. even the new york times, in this piece, would agree.
"The 1975 Communist victory in Indochina led to horrors that engulfed the region. The victorious Khmer Rouge killed one to two million of their fellow Cambodians in a genocidal, ideological rampage. In Vietnam and Laos, cruel gulags and “re-education” camps enforced repression. Millions of people fled, mostly by boat, with thousands dying in the attempt."and, in a piece run by the washington post, author Natan Sharansky argues:
"...many who supported that withdrawal in the name of human rights did not foresee the calamity that followed, which included genocide in Cambodia, tens of thousands slaughtered in Vietnam by the North Vietnamese and the tragedy of hundreds of thousands of "boat people."not to mention that Kerry should AT LEAST remember that his buddies in Hollywood documented this in the 1984 movie, "The Killing Fields".
In the final analysis, U.S. leaders will pursue a course in Iraq that they believe best serves U.S. interests. My hope is that as they do, they will make the human rights dimension a central part of any decision. The consequences of not doing so might prove catastrophic to Iraqis, to regional peace and, ultimately, to U.S. security."
here, Kerry, just as i blogged earlier concerning hillary!, is engaged in "politicking" over national security. and, by "politicking", i mean strengthening the Democratic party, NOT the US as a whole. if their strategy is indeed the right one, well, god bless 'em. they should present this without the media hype which they are seeking by opposing the current administration...which i repeat WILL BE USED BY THE ENEMY TO KEEP UP THE FIGHT AGAINST OUR WEAKENING RESOLVE...a.k.a. "aid and comfort to the enemy".
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