"You've got me really scared about my brain right now. I'm really having a problem."--from the testimony of Lt. Gen. Philip R. Kensinger, Jr., before the Pentagon inspector general's office in Dec. 2006.
conservative bloggers (e.g. :"my pet jawa", not to pick on them..) have been in a tizzy the last few days because of this post on Daily Kos, and other similar ones around the blogosphere, which insinuate that Pat Tillman was murdered as a part of a Bush Administration conspiracy to silence Tillman, who, as the conspiracy theory goes, was going to become an anti-iraq war activist as soon as his stint in afghanistan was over.
i admit it. i believed the original story where he died charging up the hill, killing 571 taliban and al-queada dudes, or however the story went. after the incident was then labeled a "friendly fire" accident, i grudgingly acknowledged it, though i fought like crazy against the notion that PAT TILLMAN could've been a "fan" of the writings of noam chomsky, because everybody knows that AMERICAN SOLDIERS wouldn't be caught dead reading the anti-american hate spewing from prof. chomsky's mouth...(here i was in October 2005 denying that Tillman could've been a fan of Chomsky and just generally wanting to believe the propaganda)...until it dawned on me that i read noam chomsky, too!!! for laughs, y'know...
if what's been reported about the just-released report re:Tillman is true, i.e., that the bullet holes in Tillman's head are consistent with an M-16 fired from about 10 yards away, well, that raises all kinds of questions about what really happened out there. was it "fragging"? did Tillman step over the line with his exhortation to a fellow ranger to "stop sniveling"?
i'm still not buying into the bush/cheney angle...YET.
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