Rep. Dennis Kucinich is loveable in a way. he's every moonbat's wet dream--he's one of those politicians that you can tell has the "little guy" in his every waking thought. perhaps it's his diminutive stature (the guy's what, about 5 feet tall, maybe?). but you have to hand it to him...he believes what he says, and he's not afraid to say it. VERY refreshing, in this age of lame focus-group tested soundbites.
he's definitely one of those guys who would LOVE to hand over power to the United Nations, because he's obviously one of those persons who is aghast at any display of nationalism or patriotism. he's pretty much the poster child for the loony left,
as this article in the liberal magazine The New Republic illustrates...he's a friend of shirley maclaine...need i say more?
so, right now he's on a trip to the middle east, where he's made a point of meeting with Syrian leader Bashar Asaad, where he praised this guy, who is one of our "enemies":
"What most people are not aware of is that Syria has taken in more than 1.5 million Iraqi refugees," Kucinich said. "The Syrian government has actually shown a lot of compassion in keeping its doors open, and being a host for so many refugees."Would Kucinich visit Iraq? NO.
"I feel the United States is engaging in an illegal occupation ... I don't want to bless that occupation with my presence," he said in an interview in Lebanon, after visiting Syria. "I will not do it."this guy is running for PRESIDENT. he's running around the middle east blasting our foreign policy...which i always maintain is GIVING AID AND COMFORT TO OUR ENEMIES. but, that's just his style...Assad is apparently receptive to Kucinich's idea of "strength through peace." i would imagine Assad would be EXTREMELY receptive to Kucinich's idea of our capitulation, especially coming from someone who fancies himself to be a candidate for the LEADER OF THE FREE WORLD.
Assad must've gathered that Kucinich was giving him a tacit thumbs-up for his behavior...Syria fired on Israeli warplanes yesterday, in a flaring up of tensions between the two countries.
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