Friday, September 21, 2007

update on "Random Thoughts #1"

i wrote about a week ago a lil' sumthin' about how instead of the politicians offering us socialized medicine, a.k.a. "health care reform", they should offer us legal reform, so that anyone in society, no matter their personal income, could have access to the johnny cochrans of the legal world...for FREE.

i think coulter must've been trolling my blog for ideas, because she's barking up the same tree with her latest online column:
"...the Democratic Party treats doctors like they're Klan members. They wail about how much doctors are paid and celebrate the trial lawyers who do absolutely nothing to make society better, but swoop in and steal from the most valuable members of society."
she points out how propaganda organs like the new york times are constantly finding health-care economists and studies which find that american doctors make two or three times what their european counterparts earn!

this is bad, i guess. why, i'm not really sure. stupid, evil, american health make me sick.

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