Thursday, June 28, 2007

Paris the druggie

she supposedly "came clean" on Larry King last night. the smoking gun has video that says otherwise.

i read about her comments about how she knows now not to drink and drive. my prediction: she'll be busted again soon. 75% of DUI convicts do it again (according to stats which were given to me by "counselors" when i was guilty of the same offense). as far as i can tell, she's done no substance-abuse counseling. she lives far removed from reality. she was given special treatment in jail.

she's gonna kill somebody someday.

Dirtbag Asst. Prosecutor Caught by Dateline NBC "To Catch a Predator"...Commits Suicide


Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Hateful Bitch vs. Edwards proxy

i don't know who actually "watches" Hardball w/Chris Matthews, but...I do. almost EVERY night. the "template" is usually as follows...chris makes comments about Karl Rove/Scooter Libby/the Iraq War...and a stream of mainstream media sycophants usually chime in in total agreement. commentary from "real people" is NEVER a part of the show...ESPECIALLY phone calls from the audience. he doesn't even pull an O'Reilly or Jack Cafferty (CNN) and display email messages from the viewers...which makes this "stunt" seem extremely "suspect":">
o.k., this is "Hardball Plaza", as opposed to "Hardball (Proper)", but let's throw some context on this whole set-up.

Ann Coulter agrees to go on MSNBC. she knows she is philosophically diametrically opposed to the host, Chris Matthews. she's not going to get an easy ride...he's going to butcher her with EVERY question. but, she's trying to sell books ("Godless" has just been released in paperback).

on the other hand, John Edwards
was the FIRST to respond to liberal activists to BOYCOTT a scheduled Democratic Presidential Debate on FOX News. all of the other candidates quickly fell in line.

SURPRISE!!! a phone call from a viewer..

coulter replies to "the caller", elizabeth edwards, in the "Hardball" ambush that the edwards campaign is using her as a fund-raising tool...could Ann be right?? there is definitely a video of her on his website...draw your own conclusions. he probably needs help:
Iowa - he's FIRST in the polls!!
New Hampshire - Down 21 or so to Hillary
South Carolina - Down 11 or so to Hillary...etc...etc...
the fact is, he needs to bump up his poll numbers. hillary is starting to suck up all the oxygen in the room, with obama gasping the leftovers.....

elizabeth asks coulter to tone down the "personal attacks". elisabeth points out that coulter had written an offensive comment to the effect of that john edwards had used the tragedy of his deceased son, charlie dean, on the campaign an opinion piece, she had joked that edwards had issued bumper stickers to the effect of "ask me about charlie dean". completely tasteless, admittedly (to me). coulter admits that she wrote it--years ago.

this "tasteless" comment fits into an argument which coulter continually makes...which she devotes a lot of column space and an entire chapter in "Godless" to: in her opinion, liberals tend to use "victims" as spokespeople in an effort to make them unassailable. i.e., she took on iraq war critic Sen. Max Cleland (he lost his legs in the Vietnam War...due to an off-duty accident). she took on "the jersey girls" (ever-present at the 9/11 commission hearings...they wanted to hold Pres. Bush accountable for their husband's deaths in the attacks). other examples not involving coulter: the michael j. fox "stem cell research" videos which rush limbaugh ridiculed (rush aped the spastic image of michael j. fox in an effort to illustrate how the "campaign" image was different than the "real life" image...the MSM sped up & looped the incriminating video) gore's speech to the '96 Democratic convention where he impassionately described his sister's death from lung cancer (i think it was his sister), (where in earlier campaigns he had bragged about his life-long contact/participation in the tobacco industry......).

coulter's point is that liberals often make arguments using proxies that can't be criticized...because of handicap, loss, etc... basically, the message that she's conveying is that liberals use victims to make political points which can't be contested because to contest them would amount to cruelty and/or an affront to "political correctness".

this point comes full circle when Edwards' wife, Elizabeth, calls in to criticize Coulter. Elizabeth has an untreatable cancer, according to reports.

coulter also makes a point about edwards' speeches about poverty in america, which he's gathering $50K plus for. ...and then her brilliant point referencing edwards' past legal shenanigans where he accrued his wealth largely on his legal skills of convincing juries that shady doctors were causing babies to be delivered
with cerebral palsy because they weren't doing ceasarian sections.

a possible after-effect of edwards' legal efforts--a huge increase in the amount of c-sections being performed now, for one reason, according to Childbirth Connection:
providers' fear of lawsuits: given the way our legal system works, even when scientific evidence supports vaginal birth, providers may feel that performing a cesarean reduces their risk of being sued or losing a lawsuit

all in all, Chairman Ann handled herself quite well considering that she was totally set up. ...especially when she asked elizabeth why she was making the call instead of John...LOL!!

a video of ann's interview on Good Morning America can be seen here. the anti-John Edwards part comes in the first minute and 1/2 or so. interestingly, in that same time period she calls W a "nincompoop"....stating more or less that a bridge between herself (and maybe conservatives as a whole?) and the left has been reached. all in all, an extremely civil interview, for a change.......

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

NBA Draft: i predict Gators will not go as high as expected

it seems to be the consensus that the big 3 of UF's "'04's"--Al Horford, Joakim Noah, and Corey Brewer--will all be top 10 picks. my gut sez that Horford will squeak into the top 5, Noah possibly into the top 10, and Brewer falls to around 15.

not that i care. i HATE the NBA. even with all the "action", i find baseball more exciting.

UPDATE: okay, i was wrong.

is ro losing it 4 realz this time??

this is one unhealthy looking child. notice the dark circles under those sad, dead eyes. and, why is she wearing an ammo belt? i thought rosie was anti-gun? MILITANTLY anti-gun... who can forget her laying into tom selleck?...

...about his TIES TO THE NRA???

posters on her blog think so, too. i it a requirement that all of her fans be as incoherent as she is?

apparently it's some kind of "anti-war" statement. i wonder when they let her adopt this child whether they knew she would be used for political propaganda.

in other rosie news: she's out of the running for "The Price is Right". her choice or theirs...who cares? not to worry: "Well, here's the thing: I don't really need a job....I'm in a weird position. I don't need the money", sez ro.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

the end of the "Peace Train"

rare footage from 1989 of yusuf islam, a.k.a. "cat stevens", expressing his support for the fatwa against british novelist salman rushdie...going so far as to say he would enjoy seeing rushdie burned.

speaking of sir today's orange county register, mark steyn has a typically brilliant piece on what's shakin' with the renewed fatwah against rushdie and now the brits. i love this part:
I told my London friends that I had to hand it to Tony Blair's advisers: What easier way for the toothless old British lion, after the humiliations inflicted upon the Royal Navy sailors by their Iranian kidnappers, to show you're still a player than by knighting Salman Rushdie for his "services to literature"? Given that his principal service to literature has been to introduce the word "fatwa" to the English language, one assumed that some characteristically cynical British civil servant had waved the knighthood through as a relatively cheap way of flipping the finger to the mullahs.

But no. It seems Her Majesty's Government was taken entirely by surprise by the scenes of burning Union Jacks on the evening news.

Can that really be true? In a typically incompetent response, Margaret Beckett, the foreign secretary, issued one of those "obviously we're sorry if there's been a misunderstanding" statements in which she managed to imply that Rushdie had been honored as a representative of the Muslim community. He's not. He's an ex-Muslim. He's a representative of the Muslim community's willingness to kill you for trying to leave the Muslim community. But, locked into obsolescent multicultural identity-groupthink, Mrs. Beckett instinctively saw Rushdie as a member of a quaintly exotic minority rather than as a free-born individual.

oh well. as the world burns....

Saturday, June 23, 2007

he wasn't sure why he had the vest on.

(picture from
in afghanistan, the taliban haven't been shy about employing suicide bombers. now they've been discovered using children as young as six years old to carry out attacks on targets. according to the story i've linked to, NATO officials report of a an attack that was thwarted.
"They placed explosives on a six-year-old boy and told him to walk up to the Afghan police or army and push the button," said Captain Michael Cormier, the company commander who intercepted the child, in a statement. "Fortunately, the boy did not understand and asked patrolling officers why he had this vest on."

Lt Col (David) Accetta (ISAF eastern regional command spokesman) said the procedure for dealing with an armed minor had so far been untested in Afghanistan.

"It would have been difficult to know what to do considering it was a six-year-old boy and he was presumably going to push the button himself or someone was going to detonate it for him remotely," Lt Col Accetta said.

The rules of military engagement are easily muddied when a child poses a direct threat, he explained. "What we do if we identify the fact that an adult is wearing a suicide vest is we use whatever force we deem necessary to protect the lives of our soldiers and any civilians. Of course it makes it more difficult - it's a six year-old child."
in other words, does our military now have to worry about the children...the hope for the future? the ones that they've made so many efforts (giving them toys, candy, etc...) to connect with? yes, it does.

do these children understand what they are doing? "inspirational" videos produced by the jihadists which feature more "adult" suicide bombers extolling the virtues of their murderous actions at least show how these individuals understand what they're doing and believe they're going to "paradise" after their martyrdom has been achieved...but, a six year old??? are THEY sold on the "72 virgins" deal? do they understand what a virgin is? i was in middle school before i figured that one out (after somebody called me one..).

these people are a real piece of work. check out this story/video which shows an afghani 12-year old, who, at the behest of the taliban, cuts off a guy's head who they claim is a spy. i've been hearing this commercial on the radio lately, where parents are reminded that every single moment is a "teaching" moment..."don't eat off the floor", "lefty loosy, righty tighty", "here's the church, here's the steeple, open the doors and see all the people", then the commercial switches gears and shows the parents being, for example, cut off in traffic and losing their temper "YOU S.O.B.!!! that was MY LANE", which of course the young'un will eventually copy later in know, it might be helpful if we could encourage al-jazeera or something to start running something similar in the muslim world. it's just a thought....

meanwhile, over at the huffington post....a new post titled "The Real Roots of Suicide Bombing", which you can click on and read in full, but here is the summation: suicide bombing should not be considered to be associated only with muslim terrorists. it's a technique used by people in countries that are occupied to get rid of the occupiers. when the occupying force leaves, the suicide bombings end...

this is so retarded. for one thing, we americans have "occupied" the land of the native americans for centuries, and i don't know of a single suicide bombing carried out by an "indian". france was "occupied" by the Nazis, and bent over backwards to welcome them. as a matter of fact, it can be argued that nearly every inch of this entire planet is "occupied" by an invader of some sorts. yet, suicide bombing is a fairly recent phenomenon, which, as far as i can tell, has only been used as a tactic by muslim jihadists. how can this be?

and how does the guy explain this suicide bombing attack in jordan, carried out by four iraqis (including a husband & wife team...the wife's bomb failed to detonate, and she at link). first of all, these iraqis were not in iraq. jordan is NOT occupying iraq. question: how credible is this guy's thesis? answer: not credible at all. but, it makes him feel better, and he pulled his head out of the sand for a few minutes and grabbed a breath of fresh air.

...special thanks to LGF for the heads-up...

Cameron Diaz needs to learn about "cultural sensitivity"

though the picture to the right features cameron in camouflage (i had to look twice, to make sure she was really there!), AND she's carrying a bag, this picture has nothing to do with this post. in other words, this in no way is meant to insinuate that cameron is some sort of revolutionary figure...

i saw this at huffington post: "Diaz's bag with Maoist slogan raises ire". you can click on the link if you want, but the gist of the story is that cameron was hanging out in Peru carrying a bag with Mao's most famous political slogan, "Serve the People" (in chinese), written on it.

unfortunately for the lovely ms. diaz,
"...the phrase has particular resonance in Peru, where the Maoist Shining Path insurgency brought Peru to edge of chaos in the 1980s and early 1990s with a campaign of massacres, assassinations and bombings.

Nearly 70,000 people were killed during the insurgency."
what was kind of freaky was to read that in Peru, "human rights activists" actually criticize leftists. it was so "man bites dog" that i did a double-take..

cameron, i feel your pain.

i was embarrassed recently when i wore this great t-shirt (i bought it here at, and ran into a venezuelan friend of mine. i don't really understand her all the time (she speaks excellent english but we tend to speak around each other), but, basically she saw the picture of che on my chest and thought i was supporting him. she told me about how all the young commies who are ruining her country run around wearing che accessories. i tried to point out the irony of the shirt, but, i could tell that i had been compromised, as far as she was concerned.

the shirt has not left my drawer since. wow.

interesting: where are the big brothers?

this is an interesting piece by blogger Daily Pundit...Where are the Big Brothers? he references an an op/ed in the wall street journal in which Big Brothers/Big Sisters are having a really tough time getting males to volunteer, and since "the littles" can only be paired with "bigs" of the same sex, this is causing problems all over the country.

this WSJ piece doesn't point to the same possible explanation that Daily Pundit offers--that this might just be a logical male reaction to a potentially dangerous situation. he goes on to show how this trend with BB/BS parallels the exact same trend in education below the high-school level...the percentage of women teachers and principals is way up, men--way down, sometimes no men at all in certain schools. there are several theories offered, i.e. "teaching is women's work", etc...but i think there's something to this theory of daily pundit's...actually, he takes it even further!!:
Let me take this theme further by suggesting it might also help explain our low rate of marriage. There’s much loose talk in the popular literature about atmospherics such as today’s lack of commitment, but consider the possibility that men are refusing to marry women because the risks are too great.
it sort of takes me back to when i was married to a woman with a young daughter and an insanely pissed-off and diabolically-minded ex-husband...i often thought about what would happen if he just decided to claim that the little girl had told him that i had made an inappropriate move. i would have been guilty until proven innocent in no time at all...the morale of this story is: guys, don't date or marry women with kids who have a bio-dad nearby. this situation is fraught with danger.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Poland PM: Poland's reduced role in EU due to Germany in WW2

WOW!!!! the chickens are coming home to roost.
Poland has been fighting plans for the summit - being held in Germany - to change the EU's voting system to one based on population....Mr Kaczynski stunned other EU leaders by claiming that Poland has 28million fewer people than it should have as a result of the slaughter inflicted by Germany between 1939 and 1945.

He breached one of the great taboos of the EU - Don't Mention the War - and highlighted Poland's tortured relations with Germany. His heated intervention provoked a furious reaction across the EU and appeared to revive age-old disputes. It was the German invasion of Poland in September 1939 which triggered the war.
they're never going to get this EU constitution passed...the people of Europe may be acquiescent to being rolled over by muslim immigrants eventually taking over their countries, but they'll never VOTE to give up their sovereignity...with their ballots.

media bias? follow the money

from MSNBC, of all places...

individual breakdown of donations

the attempt to silence talk radio, pt. 1

this new "report" from "think progress" (link to pdf at their website) has had conservative talk radio in a lather today. their (think progress's) concern, as it's often voiced, is the overabundance of "conservative" talk radio due to what they see as a monopolizing of radio stations by a few companies who won't give "progressive" talk radio any airspace. i recently dealt with this locally, as one of my good friends wanted to start an extremely low power station (would cover maybe a 1 mile radius, in perfect weather), because of the apparent impossibility of anyone with a "progressive" attitude to buy a "real" station.

the salient point here is that nobody wants to listen to "progressive" talk radio. Air America, despite millions of dollars donated from the likes of george soros...and stealing from children's charities in new york to pay the bills...STILL can't get a decent audience, even in heavily "blue" areas...even with star power such as al franken, chuck d, jerry springer, that garafalo chick (whatever her name is), and the lovely and endearing randi rhodes. this "business model" just won't work. liberals hate "big business" and anything else that has even a whiff of corporatism/capitalism, so they tend to gravitate towards things like FREE public radio, TV, etc... on the other hand, conservatives fully embrace capitalism and competition, and will actively pursue corporate sponsorship for their radio shows, and the corporate sponsors enthusiastically jump on board to advertise and pay for the privilege of having their product hawked on conservative talk radio. and it works!!! i've never been to a ruth's chris steak house, but i'm damn sure gonna if i ever visit somewhere that has one! i wonder if people who listen to Air America even know who their sponsors are? and, why would any company in their right mind advertise on a show which has such an antipathy towards them?

liberals argue that the airwaves are the "property" of the public. i was listening to neal boortz today, and he made an incredibly logical, obvious point:
....We'll just say that the public owns the airwaves! And since the public owns the airwaves, we, as their loyal representatives in Washington, need to step forward and exercise control over what happens on those airwaves, just as we can manage access and behavior on any other government property!

I know most of you have never really thought about this before, but this argument is ridiculously easy to destroy. On just what basis does the public own the airwaves? Is there a purchase contract somewhere that I just haven't seen yet? Just when did the public acquire ownership of the airwaves? Did the public own the airwaves when there were no broadcast signals traveling at the speed of light from antennas to receivers? Or did that public ownership suddenly materialize when Marconi sent his first signal over the distance of about 14 feet? Maybe public ownership didn't happen until the KDKA broadcast some presidential election results in Pittsburgh on that night about 85 years ago. But, at whatever moment in time we're talking about, what even took place that suddenly granted ownership of all broadcast frequencies to the public? Did the public invest huge sums of money to develop these frequencies, or was this done by private entrepreneurs? Did the government go out and purchase or trade something for these frequencies as it did with the Louisiana purchase or Alaska? Just what happened? Where are the ownership papers? Where's the evidence that the public even had something to do with the very creation of these broadcast frequencies?

The answer is that there is no evidence of ownership. None. The public "owns the airwaves" only because the politicians in the early part of the last century said so. And that's it. They saw a new means of communication coming forward, a means of communication that had the promise of someday being more powerful than the Constitutionally protected printed word, and they wanted control. They wanted control, so they took it.
and, to go even one how anyone with a brain knows what this "Think Progress" effort is all about--the re-establishment of the "Fairness Doctrine":
It would be easy to argue that government should control newspapers as it does broadcasting. Trust me, the left wing ideological tilt of the nation's newspapers is every bit as pronounced as is the conservative influence in talk radio. If it were not for the First Amendment, would these politicians be able to conjure up some sort of "public ownership" excuse to perhaps apply a fairness doctrine to newspapers? Well ... let's give it a try.

Let's see .... you can print a newspaper all you want, but it really doesn't do any good unless you get that newspaper to the people. You have to load those newspapers on to trucks and get them to the newsstands, the hotels, and to the people who deliver them to your front door. And guess what! To do this you have to use the public's roads! There! See how easy that was! We've created an excuse for government control of the content of your daily newspaper! All we had to do was show that the newspaper publishers use the public's roads and highways to get their news and opinion to your office or home!
read the entire boortz transcript here

one of the great things about conservative talk radio is the willingness to mix it up with opposing viewpoints. for example, the conservative talkers are nearly monolithically opposed to the bush administration's support for the kennedy illegal immigrant amnesty bill. they bring on guests from the administration (i.e. Michael Chertoff, Tony Snow) and give them a forum to explain to the people "why" america needs this. these guys are getting ABUSED by the people, but they still get a chance to state their case. liberals constantly get to come on and say their piece as well. the thought is, if you hear opposing viewpoints, it challenges you to crystallize your thinking and persuasive powers...therefore solidifying what you believe to be true and providing a logical basis to defend it.

on the other hand, liberals tend to stifle name calling: "the religious right", "conservative bigots/homophobes/etc...", "BIG Oil/Pharmaceautical/Business/Tobacco/etc...", in other words, they don't intellectually explore what they're talking about, they just demonize...and then they get mad because conservatives refer to them as "liberals". they seek to limit the range of discussion through such orwellian means as "political correctness". all this tends to make for very one-sided exchanges: "bush sucks!", "war for oil!", "bush knew about 9/11 beforehand". no matter how outrageous the thought, it is usually given somewhat a pass, for fear of appearing JUDGEMENTAL (towards fellow libs). talk radio is SUFFOCATED in this atmosphere.

audio link where Sen. James Inhofe claims he overheard Sen. Boxer and Sen. Clinton talking about reigning in talk radio

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

scientific computer simulation of WTC attack

they must have overlooked the bombs...

this had a bazillion hits and almost blew out the server, so they uploaded it to YouTube.

from Purdue University's website.

good news, bad news

i've actually had my fingers crossed for something similar to this for awhile...the US might offer Tony Blair a role as a middle east peace envoy after he steps down as prime minister. this is cool. blair is, in my opinion, the most eloquent world leader when it comes to talking about the "war on terror".

the bad news: the plan is to stick him in the Palistinean mess. more bad news: the proposed role for him would have him not only report to us, but also the EU (meh...), Russia (nightmare), and the UNITED NATIONS (utter catastrophe). unless a lot of diplomatic sleight-of-hand is going on here in regards to what Blair would share with the other "entities", this is utterly a waste of talent.

i was really hoping that Bush was going to hire Blair to come over here and explain to the American people what's actually at that, for once, it would make some sense.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

OJ "i did it" manuscript leaked to TMZ

the killer speaks as "the fictional killer":
I looked over at Goldman, and I was fuming. I guess he thought I was going to hit him, because he got into his little karate stance. "What the fuck is that?" I said. "You think you can take me with your karate shit?" He started circling me, bobbing and weaving, and if I hadn't been so fucking angry I would have laughed in his face. "O.J., come on!" It was Charlie again, pleading. Nicole moaned, regaining consciousness. She stirred on the ground and opened her eyes and looked at me, but it didn't seem like anything was registering. Charlie walked over and planted himself in front of me blocking my view. "We are fucking done here, man-let's go!"
"If the glove doesn't fit, you MUST acquit"

Michael Moore on food and 9/11

nailed by his own friends (from Infowars) on video: google video link...interview about 5 1/2 minutes in...excerpt:
REPORTER: We want to get some ideas, your comments, on 9/11 being an inside job because since your last movie, which gave us a lot of information...

MOORE: Right, right, right.

REPORTER: ... we now are in possession of all other kinds of facts and evidence.

MOORE: Right.

REPORTER: And we know that 9/11 was an inside job.

MOORE: Right.

REPORTER: So we want to get your comments on that. ...
read more @ reason online...

a blast from the past: Christopher Hitchens on "Farenheit 9/11":
"To describe this film as dishonest and demagogic would almost be to promote those terms to the level of respectability. To describe this film as a piece of crap would be to run the risk of a discourse that would never again rise above the excremental. To describe it as an exercise in facile crowd-pleasing would be too obvious. Fahrenheit 9/11 is a sinister exercise in moral frivolity, crudely disguised as an exercise in seriousness. It is also a spectacle of abject political cowardice masking itself as a demonstration of "dissenting" bravery."
i'll never forget when Osama Bin Laden released a tape more or less feeding (aping?) the same lines as's not just me & right-wingers that said it; here's uber-lib chris matthews on "hardball" in 2006:
"This is from bin Laden in the audio today. “There is no defect in the solution other than preventing the flow of hundreds of billions to the influential people and war merchants in America.” I mean, he sounds like an over-the-top Michael Moore here, if not a Michael Moore."
Michael Moore embraces these ideas because he hates the country which makes his disgusting overweight ass a millionaire.

the juxtaposition of these topics is valid because of Moore's use of 9/11 victims in his new film.

just a reminder...if you want to download "Sicko"....reportedly he doesn't mind.

Ted Nugent: McCartney fired roadies for eating hamburgers!

"You heard that right. Fired for eating meat by an animal-rights maniac, hard-core vegan bass player."
"Neither I, nor any hunter or meat eater on the planet, has any desire whatsoever to influence any vegetarian's choice of diet or to force them to eat meat. We are the friendly, tolerant Americans."

--the Nuge, american hero

Monday, June 18, 2007

"To tell you the truth, I hadn't heard about this YouTube..."

despite his self-description as being an "old-school" "pen-and-paper guy", Rep. Ron Paul is tearing it up raising money on the internet. according to this washington post report, Technorati's most-searched term this past week was "YouTube". the second most-searched term was "Ron Paul".

i like ron paul. he's a libertarian, just like me, but he, in my opinion, is wrong on the "war on terror"...which basically means that he's a pure libertarian.

it would be interesting to see where his money is coming from. i suspect it's mostly from liberals, who want to see his continued presence on the debate stage with the other republican candidates for president...getting in anti-bush and anti-war barbs at every opportunity.

i've gotta say, though...if he's a free-marketeer and he's this much out of touch with technology..........

Sunday, June 17, 2007

what's up wit' da bump?

X17 wonders: is nicole ritchie pregnant?

i hate to state the obvious, but, doesn't she demonstrably have a problem with eating enough to even keep herself alive? and, isn't she a junkie?

and, is ANYONE coming forward to claim "responsibility" for this travesty?

free CD for download!

it's called "Drilling in Another Man's Well", by my band Big Oil. it's about 3 years old, and it's all covers, but it's pretty cool, IMHO.

click here for details.

Schoolkids warn us about "global warming"

is it just me, or does anyone else feel deep down in their gut that if "global warming" was as serious or as fixable or as scientifically-based as the followers of the Goracle tell us, would we really need to have schoolchildren...4th Graders...give us the warning...and also propose "solutions"?????? that's just what these 4th Graders up in maine have done.

how do they come to accumulate such a vast "wealth" of scientific knowledge? as this comment on the article states more eloquently than i can:
Jun 17, 2007 4:52 AM
These children are 9 years old. What could they possibly know about "strange weather"? Are they comparing it to way back when they were six? Or, are they simply being indoctrinated (and scared to death) by another incompetent teacher?
in canada, a writer asks this question:So how did An Inconvenient Truth become required classroom viewing? the piece begins:
First it was his world history class. Then he saw it in his economics class. And his world issues class. And his environment class. In total, 18-year-old McKenzie, a Northern Ontario high schooler, says he has had the film An Inconvenient Truth shown to him by four different teachers this year.
canada's pretty hopping...apparently, a consortium of global warming activists and green corporate CEOs have combined forces to provide a DVD of "an incovenient truth" to every single public school classroom. here in the U.S.A., the kids are "taking it upon themselves" (yeah, right) to educate us dumb adults about this "threat".

listen, i think it's great that the kids are "getting involved", but a little bit of balance might be nice...for instance, haven't we been hearing lately from scientists in the national hurricane center and NASA telling us that it might be silly to overreact to natural temperature fluctuations? hotshot meteorologist guru Bill Gray just recently characterized global warming as "a scam". maybe these kids should hear from someone like him from time to time.

or, maybe they should just concentrate on reading and writing and stuff like that, and less on propaganda. or else, we'll probably end up with more cases like "Jason".

angelina jolie as dagny taggart?

i thought what i'd been hearing about "atlas shrugged" finally coming to the big screen was just some rumor, but apparently it's ON!

but, angelina jolie? as dagny?? weird. and then, i just went and found this splashy announcement from almost a year ago which also tosses brad's name into the mix! (classic snotty snippet)

they're both reportedly admirers of ayn rand's work. (i think they must've skipped over some parts...)

anyway, though, that's cool news. it seems like the film will be released as a trilogy, with the first episode coming out in 2008.

in related news, a USA Today article suggests that corporate execs are starting to dust off the novel, because they're increasingly "under siege by prosecutors, regulators, Congress, employees, investors, a Republican president, even terrorists." buried deep in the article is evidence that a "strike", of sorts, is being carried out by executives and physicians, who are quietly retiring early to avoid the hassle....

Rushdie knighted; Iran pissed.

let me see if i can get this straight...back in the 1980s a fatwa is issued by muslim kook higher-ups to kill salman rushdie for his book, "the satanic verses"...he's been running from them and living a low-key life ever since...muslims all over the world hate him....the Queen knights him...and the muslims get pissed...because rushdie is "an apostate", and therefore his ascension to knighthood is just britain slapping the muslims in the face.

uh, okay..

people better start fighting back against this garbage. they (the bad guys) know good and well that political correctness plus generations raised under the influence of dale carnegie means that if they tell us to do it, whatever "it" may be, we're probably at least going to compromise, at our total disadvantage. god forbid we don't show "tolerance"... they do.

Mark Steyn on zombies...

the guy who did this video is pretty profile.., blog..

mark steyn's webpage

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Father's Day, R.I.P.

from the new issue of TIME magazine:
The folks at Hallmark are going to have a very good day on June 17. That's when more than 100 million of the company's ubiquitous cards will be given to the 66 million dads across the U.S. in observation of Father's Day. Such a blizzard of paper may be short of the more than 150 million cards sold for Mother's Day, but it's still quite a tribute. What's less clear is whether dads--at least as a group--have done a good enough job to deserve the honor.

good humor requires that the audience find some ring of truth in it. gloria steinem once joked (?):
"a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle."
new york times columnist maureen dowd recently wrote a book called "Are Men Necessary?" (a critical look here @

these are just two examples (of THOUSANDS) of the barrage of criticism that men are undergoing. and, strategically or not, it's succeeding in bleeding into the questioning of men's roles as fathers...for example, take a look at portrayals of fathers on's no longer "Father Knows Best", it's now Al Bundy, Homer Simpson, Peter from "Family Guy", etc., etc., etc.... it's gotten so bad that probably the most caring father on TV today is Tony Soprano (and he sees a shrink!).

a lot of the criticism is deserved. considering that, today, according to the TIME article linked above:
Worldwide, 10% to 40% of children grow up in households with no father at all. In the U.S., more than half of divorced fathers lose contact with their kids within a few years. By the end of 10 years, as many as two-thirds of them have drifted out of their children's lives. According to a 1994 study by the Children's Defense Fund, men are more likely to default on a child-support payment (49%) than a used-car payment (3%). Even fathers in intact families spend a lot less time focused on their kids than they think: in the U.S. fathers average less than an hour a day (up from 20 minutes a few decades ago), usually squeezed in after the workday.
the writers of this piece in TIME are both WOMEN anthropologists, who are trying to figure out why this is so. first, they point out that human males are worse than primates at raising their offspring. later on in the article, they make a point that in many traditional South American cultures "people subscribe to the folk wisdom that any man with whom a woman has had sex in the 10 months before giving birth makes some biological contribution to the fetus growing inside her. Even the woman's official husband accepts this, and any possible father is welcome to assist--discreetly--in providing care for the child." !!! a couple of researchers in venezuela claim that the "optimal" number of fathers is TWO. !!!

what the hell are these people thinking???

to be sure, fathers have been a major dissapointment in today's society. but, i think these anthropologists are missing the point when they compare humans to monkeys and whatnot. first of all, the last i heard was that humans and other primates share some 99% of DNA. did humans get the "bad dad" DNA?

can we blame any of this on welfare systems around the world, which, by design or not, tend to replace the father with a safety net, and create financial incentives to have even MORE children as long as a father is not present? can we place any blame at all on the liberation of sexuality among women through birth control, abortion, etc...? has this not diminished the importance of men, as seen through the eyes of women? have we been reduced from PROVIDER (now handled by the state) to simply "PENIS"?

not to mention how our children view us. take, for example, school curricula: "Heather Has Two Mommies". fine, some kids have gay parents. it's a "choice" (for the parents, that is...), and, okay, to help other kids understand so they don't pick on the kids of gay parent...i mean parent(s). but, i think given the divorce rates going on in today's society, maybe it's time for "Heather Has a Mommy AND a DAD", so these minority kids don't feel so weird.

anyway, Happy Father's Day, dads. kids, don't forget to call 'em. i would, but mine's been gone for eleven years.

i think of him every day.

(this interests someone else, too.)

help fight obesity

download michael moore's new "documentary", "sicko", here.

hey buddy, you hate capitalism, right? haha.

Friday, June 15, 2007

male strippers in a strip club?

i went to a "fake" strip club last weekend... "fake" meaning that there was no nudity at all.

"a girl friend" of mine has been raising holy hell because she was there as well, and she and another young lady were ruminating about how "sexist" it was that strip clubs don't have both male & female dancers. every male acquaintance she asked about this told her that guys wouldn't go to a club that had male strippers. i, of course, told her this as well.

i've actually been to a girl's birthday party which featured a male stripper, and that was funny as hell. but, would i pay for this? hell no. would i go to a club that featured this? hell no again.

her argument is that this is evidence of a "double-standard". my argument back is that i've noticed that girls don't seem to have any qualms about making out with each other, while i still tend to shield myself at a urinal when i pee.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

more mel: debates in spanish

god!, this guy is totally annoying.

his political instincts are HORRIBLE, unless, as i completely suspect, he's got a totally different agenda...WHICH, btw, is exactly the same one shared by our political aristocracy, i.e. the bushes and the kennedys.

conducting OUR presidential debates, for THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, in SPANISH?????

NO. i'm sorry. this is AMERICA, where we speak ENGLISH. if viewers of debates can't understand ENGLISH, they really haven't tried too hard to assimilate...and how much can they know about THE ISSUES? not much more than how to apply for government assistance, i'm SURE.


i'm changing my party affiliation from Libertarian to Republican, and i'm gonna take this guy on in his next election. my platform:
1-my FIRST DAY IN THE SENATE, i introduce a stand-alone bill which will fund the "GAY BOMB"
2-i'll build the border fence...every last inch. it may be penetrable, but the symbolic value is PRICELESS...remember how they used to say that the great china wall was visible from SPACE??
3-i'll put an IMMEDIATE stop to the harassment of AMERICANS at airports. from now on, we'll use SCIENCE (in the form of statistical evidence) to rigidly use the harshest forms of discrimination possible to search only the most likely "bad guys". if anyone slips through this net, we'll re-examine, without apologies--the freedoms which real americans have fought & died for must be preserved, even if security is compromised.
4-i'll introduce the Fair Tax.
5-i'll introduce a bill to legalize gay marriage. my thought is, given the fact that about 1/2 of all marriages end in divorce, let's GIVE THIS JOB TO THE PEOPLE WHO WILL DO WHAT THE HETEROSEXUALS WON'T DO.
6-i'll call for an IMMEDIATE end to the iraq war. with the introduction of the "gay bomb", we should only be left with people who are committed to the "democratic" future of iraq. let the most "passionate" win, at whatever cost. we got rid of saddam...that's been our policy since the clinton administration. as lame as their politicians seem, ...we really can't talk.
7-i'll call on the billionares of the world to buy all the nukes from the former soviet union.
8-and, last, but not least...i'll wear the same drab grey suit every day to the senate floor. i'll pick my ties off of the rack at spencer gifts. i'll gladly accept the $165K salary. i'll take no money from lobbyists. i'll find a friend and sleep on his/her floor. after one term, i'll quit, and go back to rock.

bad news about this year's hurricane season

this is pretty unbelieveable to me. but, given that it's our government at work, i suppose it's not. apparently, the satellite which gives us our most accurate forecasts on where hurricanes are heading is about to crap out. a new one was supposed to be shot into space in 2009, but, apparently to "budget problems", is now scheduled to go up in 2016. no doubt, this is all part of the bush/katrina conspiracy.

fortunately for us, the loss of this satellite doesn't mean we can't track hurricanes...we'll just have to live with a wider cone....which, of course, means that the numbers of us who wait until the last minute to buy supplies will be increased by a significant amount, producing a boon for the economy and lining the pockets of retailers in geometric fashion.

good work, government!

luckily, the democrats are on the case. fresh from their tireless warnings that the levee system in New Orleans could fail if exposed to any category 3 or above storm...and their effort to squeeze money from the tight-fisted bush administration who only wanted to see the destruction of the democrat bastion of New Orleans...they've decided to push through their long-delayed legislation (which they had worked on for YEARS) to allocate funds to produce a new "green" satellite which will project hi-def satellite imagery into every middle-class household. ... oh,, i'm wrong.

according to the Sun-Sentinel:

Rush Limbaugh has long been a thorn in the side of liberals, but now, because of him, some Democratic politicians don't even want to join with a local radio station to broadcast hurricane information.

Radio station WIOD, AM 610, has been the official channel for emergency information from Broward County government for the past year. The County Commission, all Democrats, balked at renewing the deal Tuesday, unable to stomach the station also being home to Limbaugh's talk show.

Commissioner Stacy Ritter said she did not want to support a station that's out of step with area politics. Ritter, a Democratic stalwart in the state Legislature before being elected to county office, cited talk shows hosted by Limbaugh and Sean Hannity and WIOD's partnership with Fox News.

"They have every right to speak, but we don't have to do business with them," she said.
i've heard that this station is the most powerful in the area. this could be right-wing talk radio spin, but, even if it's not, this is pretty damn petty.

U.S. military had plans to create a "Gay Bomb"

from the BBC...
The plan for a so-called "love bomb" envisaged an aphrodisiac chemical that would provoke widespread homosexual behaviour among troops, causing what the military called a "distasteful but completely non-lethal" blow to morale.

from CBS 5, San Francisco Bay area...:
Edward Hammond, of Berkeley's Sunshine Project, had used the Freedom of Information Act to obtain a copy of the proposal from the Air Force's Wright Laboratory in Dayton, Ohio.

As part of a military effort to develop non-lethal weapons, the proposal suggested, "One distasteful but completely non-lethal example would be strong aphrodisiacs, especially if the chemical also caused homosexual behavior."

The documents show the Air Force lab asked for $7.5 million to develop such a chemical weapon.

"The Ohio Air Force lab proposed that a bomb be developed that contained a chemical that would cause enemy soldiers to become gay, and to have their units break down because all their soldiers became irresistably attractive to one another," Hammond said after reviewing the documents.

Pentagon officials on Friday confirmed to CBS 5 that military leaders had considered, and then subsquently rejected, building the so-called "Gay Bomb."

Edward Hammond, of Berkeley's Sunshine Project, had used the Freedom of Information Act to obtain a copy of the proposal from the Air Force's Wright Laboratory in Dayton, Ohio.

As part of a military effort to develop non-lethal weapons, the proposal suggested, "One distasteful but completely non-lethal example would be strong aphrodisiacs, especially if the chemical also caused homosexual behavior."

The documents show the Air Force lab asked for $7.5 million to develop such a chemical weapon.

"The Ohio Air Force lab proposed that a bomb be developed that contained a chemical that would cause enemy soldiers to become gay, and to have their units break down because all their soldiers became irresistably attractive to one another," Hammond said after reviewing the documents.

"The notion was that a chemical that would probably be pleasant in the human body in low quantities could be identified, and by virtue of either breathing or having their skin exposed to this chemical, the notion was that soliders would become gay," explained Hammond.

The Pentagon told CBS 5 that the proposal was made by the Air Force in 1994.

"The Department of Defense is committed to identifying, researching and developing non-lethal weapons that will support our men and women in uniform," said a DOD spokesperson, who indicated that the "gay bomb" idea was quickly dismissed.

However, Hammond said the government records he obtained suggest the military gave the plan much stronger consideration than it has acknowledged.

"The truth of the matter is it would have never come to my attention if it was dismissed at the time it was proposed," he said. "In fact, the Pentagon has used it repeatedly and subsequently in an effort to promote non-lethal weapons, and in fact they submitted it to the highest scientific review body in the country for them to consider."

Military officials insisted Friday to CBS 5 that they are not currently working on any such idea and that the past plan was abandoned.

Gay community leaders in California said Friday that they found the notion of a "gay bomb" both offensive and almost laughable at the same time. ...

i've gotta say...if we had this "weapon" at our disposal RIGHT NOW, we could nip this whole "war on terror" in the bud, PRONTO. the islamofascists would be SO BUSY enforcing sha'ria law condemning homosexuality that they wouldn't have any time to fight us real infidels.

make love, not war..

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Bobby Brown: "Bin Laden Wants Me Dead"... he can take Whitney Houston for one of his wives...

i can understand Mr. Bin Laden's desire...i saw whitney in Orlando on her first tour at the Orange County Civic Center. the concert was 'in the round'...i bought 1st row tickets to surprise a certain female i was trying to impress. she sauntered down and greeted the first row while singing "The Greatest Love of All" she passed me, she cupped my left cheek with her hand and lightly kissed my right cheek...

the manchurian candidate -- Sen. Mel Martinez

remember: Sen. Martinez is the "CHAIRMAN" of the Republican National Committee.

who is this guy working for? does he have any CLUE about poll results regarding the "comprehensive immigration bill? well, maybe, if you believe MSM press 'reports on the "results" of these polls. interestingly, in this bloomberg account i've linked above, sen. john mccain has been sinking in the polls, even though he is a STRONG supporter of the bill in question. do the people who write these stories think we're stupid? ignorant? we can't READ?

the american people by and large DO NOT want this legislation passed.

elite democrats and elite republicans are trying to sell us out. call your congressman TODAY.

this whole thing REEKS of NAFTA. these people want to DISINTEGRATE our borders.

Dan Rather accuses Katie of "dumbing it down, tarting it up"

well, well, well...

dan rather, who will perhaps be best remembered for trying to pass off fake documents as "hard evidence" that Pres. Bush went AWOL during a national guard an effort to affect the 2004 election, and was subsequently FIRED from his anchor post at CBS News (most likely because of his abysmally low ratings), has come out to BASH Katie Couric (video link).

the ratings for CBS actually rose when Bob Schiffer took over after Rather's dismissal, but have fallen dramatically with Katie at the healm.

Les Moonves, CBS chief executive, blames low ratings on "sexism"

Rather sez Moonves "doesn't know about news"

Algore: "...we have always been at war with Eastasia..."

-algore adressing conference, referring to Pres. Bush (43)

that was now.

this is then:
-algore running for vice president, 1992, referring to Pres. Bush (41)

one of my greatest concerns is that, despite the proliferation of media, combined with the lack of historical knowledge (which provides context), the american electorate is actually less informed than in the past. i've read criticism of the "new media", i.e. the blogosphere, which theorizes that the way we gather our news and information has become more and more "balkanized".

i have another concern. our great thinkers...i'm talking about literary giants like george orwell and ray bradbury have been warning us for decades about the dangers of having a society which can play fast and loose with the facts of the past. in orwell's "1984", the past was re-created daily to deal with the new "realities" of the current day. this was done by destroying the past through heavy censorship and total control over any information disseminated to the populace. in bradbury's "fahrenheit 451", books were banned (burned, if found), and the populace gained all of it's information through an all-pervasive visual media, which was interactive (at some generic level).

i wonder, with the increasing reliance on the internet...and the declining influence of newspapers, books, "history" safe? the written word, on paper, is powerful & permanent. is this the case if all of our "history" is eventually consolidated onto the internet and electronic files? i know i can go back and edit things at will, if i see a problem with what goes on this blog, for instance. what if all of our historical documentation is subject to the same ease of "correction"? we already witness how news items, photos, youtube video, etc...can all dissapear just like *that* (finger snap). who's to say in the future that the same couldn't happen with government documents...your tax records...finances...historical

it's already happpening. notice, in the case i've referenced above with algore that anything he's said in the past is just ignored by the mainstream media. he clearly states the case in the video that i've linked that saddam hussein is a nuclear threat, a sponsor of terrorists, and has weapons of mass destruction. this same argument was constantly made by the Clinton administration many times, and as a matter of fact, it was the stated policy of the United States during the Clinton administration that part of our "Iraq policy" was the removal of saddam hussein from power. then came the Bush administration...the pre-emptive strike on Iraq...and voila!.......this is all a neo-con conspiracy.

Monday, June 11, 2007

maxim's taste and lesbians' taste NOT THAT DIFFERENT! ....HOT 100's...

the lesbian hot 100, from, let's judge. i quote from "":
Clearly, what straight men and lesbians find sexy in a woman is a little bit different.

"Hot" for lesbians and bisexual women comes in all ages, sizes, colors and styles, as the diversity of women on our list demonstrates...

i checked that list out, and i'm 96% in agreement with the "hotness". ...and tina fey would totally make my list....THANKGOD they saw fit to exclude a certain obnoxious "comedienne" formerly employed by ABC...but, i wonder why, when i read
"Hot" for lesbians and bisexual women comes in all ages, sizes, colors and styles...

now, check out maxim's hot 100...(sorry, they've set it up so it's a pain in the ass to link to the starts from #20 to #1, to #40 to #21, etc....)

Sunday, June 10, 2007

oldie but goodie

i remember back in the late 80's-early 90's being completely OBSESSED with the UFO phenomenon, especially after seeing UFO researcher/nuclear physicist Stanton Friedman speak at the University of Florida. i read his book, Crash at Corona, and was immediately convinced that I knew it ALL. when i heard one day that he had put out a new "UFO Update", complete with the video this autopsy came from, i couldn't wait to give him $35 or whatever it cost. i sat there watching this video with my jaw dropping to the floor.

i really wish the internet had existed back then.

hillary! names rep. alcee hastings co-chair of her national campaign

i really thought the democrats were trying to paint the republicans as the party that is bringing us the "Culture of Corruption". now the hillary! camp takes this crook on? well, i guess that's better than appointing him chair of the house intelligence committee.

let's not forget that eighteen years ago, hmmm...i guess that's 1989ish, when the democrats controlled the House of Representatives, Rep. Hastings, then a federal judge down here in Florida, was IMPEACHED by a vote of 413-3. for corruption, bribery, etc... in this interesting article from National Review, rich lowry sums up the case...showing how even far-left congressman John Conyers thought Hastings was a crook, etc..

on the other hand, the other half of this "co-chair", rep. debbie wasserman-shultz, is, IMHO, kinda cute. a little nutty, but, still...

BREAKING...New York prison bans books!!

Prisons Ban Books Over Fear of Radicals
Associated Press Writer

NEW YORK (AP) -- Inmates at the federal prison camp in Otisville, N.Y., were stunned by what they saw at the chapel library on Memorial Day - hundreds of books had disappeared from the shelves.

The removal of the books is occurring nationwide, part of a long-delayed, post-Sept. 11 federal directive intended to prevent radical religious texts, specifically Islamic ones, from falling into the hands of violent inmates.

Three inmates at Otisville filed a lawsuit over the policy, saying their Constitutional rights were violated. They say all religions were affected.

read more

this really gives me hope that somebody's getting it. as mark steyn put it on page 67 of his magnificent "America Alone":
The jihad's marketing strategists singled out the prison populations of North America, Australia and Western Europe as a ripe target demographic. Granted, a lot of religions seek to convert the fallen, but, to be honest, a wimp church like the Congregational crowd doesn't have that much appeal to the average jailbird (emphasis mine). The salient feature about Islamism is that, if you're a violent thug, embracing this particular religion doesn't mean having to do anything icky like help with the church bazaar or be nice to gay people. As an Islamist, you can pretty much carry on doing all the things you like doing and the only difference is you'll be doing tthem for your new religion: you can lie, cheat, steal, rape, kill women and children, and as long as you're doing it for Allah and his victory over the infidels, it's cool.
a good example of this is Richard Reid, "the shoe bomber"...but, closer to home, here in the good ol' USA we have Mike Tyson, who adopted the Muslim name "Malik Abdul Aziz" after his conversion to Islam while in prison for his rape conviction (from wikipedia). i'm not sure if tyson qualifies as an islamist sleeper cell, but his attack on born-again christian infidel Evander Holyfield sure seems suspicious, when viewed through this lens......

related story: islamic gang recruiting in australian jail

"Plots, Politics, and the Weight of Page 1"

this was an interesting editorial in today's New York Times, in response to the blowback from readers and even some Times staff as well, on the truly baffling treatment of the breakup of the JFK terror plot. in short, to set up the editorial, the New York Times..."all the news that's fit to print", as they say...found this story to be only important enough to grace page 37 of the city edition, and page 30 of the edition which they ship to us outlanders.

this, despite the fact that it was a plot to not only destroy JFK airport, but also the US and maybe the world economy. it had the potential as well of burning the borough of Queens to the ground. not only that, the suspects are a slightly different cast of characters than your typical islamofascists...these were from Latin America, not the middle east. i can see why the Times wouldn't think it was terribly interesting--unlike those dupes over at the Washington Post, who gave it page one coverage!

sexy arianna sums up the "what's the big deal" attitude over at the huffpost..
previously discussed on NGNG...

Saturday, June 9, 2007

keep your eyes peeled for "Silent Dove"

this is a film made by some folks down here in gainesville, FL. i know one of the guys who made it, dave dupree (guitar/singer for gainesville band FROZEN COBRA, formerly known as the BARGOYLES--much better name, IMHO), plus i know some of the people who "starred" in it (a guy in the very first scene was the drummer in a band i was in...). it's shot in and around gainesville, so that's pretty funny/ least to me.

here's a link to the film's website, you can see the trailer there and read up on it.

here, on, the dupree brothers talk about it.

here's a write-up in the gainesville sun about it...

i watched it last night, and i was impressed. by no means is it something that could be rated as AWESOME or anything like that, but for what it was...a VERY low-budget indie thriller, it was cool. i actually thought the production values were exceeding the performances, but if you look at it like it was a more realistic vision instead of a big-budget vision, it totally works. it would've slid nicely into the middle of a "grindhouse"'s like a cheapie reservoir dogs or something like that......

did Paris's connections buy her way out of jail?

maybe. it turns out the sheriff got campaign donations from the Hilton family (as well as other celebs)..

i don't even really want to beat up on her. really.. i've had a DUI, TWO to be exact... after paying a lawyer $5K i ended up with a reduced sentence of 10 days, which i served on weekends. she's on her first DUI offense. here in florida, that'll get you a six-month license suspension, plus about 50 hours community service, and about a year's probation. during this probation period, you pledge not to break the law, or drink or do drugs. if you're caught 'slipping', the judge can throw the book at you. that's one good reason why it makes me scratch my head why the sheriff would release her to her house. my guess is that, without a warrant, nobody's going to show up there to see if she's complying with the terms of her probation.

i'm so torn on this. on one hand, i've gone through the DUI wringer, and i know what a life-changer it can be...i used to be a constant drunk driver, and now i'm trying to get everyone to call cabs, ride bikes, etc.... i have even become an avid bike rider, and plan to continue this way even after a 5-year suspension of my license has been completed. on the other hand, i really don't think it's appropriate to impose harsh sentences on celebrities, even if it is for the "good" of society. this is what gets me...i really do think that the obsession with the likes of paris, lindsay, nicole richie et. have an effect on the culture, especially our young women. washington post editorial writer eugene robinson just wrote an interesting piece on paris' ability to not only dominate the tabloid media, but also the mainstream media. her whole courtroom/jail dilemma dominated the news the other day, when there was tons of REAL important stuff going down.

but, then, the judge had to be aware that al sharpton was about to get on the case, and start examining just how many prisoners in LA jails might have medical conditions easily as 'severe' as paris', to see what the justice system might have to say about THAT. i actually APPLAUD the reverend for this.... plus, you add in the fact that Sen. Obama is talking on the campaign trail about a "quiet riot" taking place in the black community of america....well, that might just be enough to support JUDICIAL ACTIVISM.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

theo van gogh's killer SPEAKS...

"he was such a nice guy..."

previously discussed on NGNG in this fine, informative post.

btw, i've linked to theo & ayaan hirsi ali's film, "submission pt. 1", on the right side of this page, PERMANENTLY, because it needs to be seen to understand exactly why he was killed and why she (ayaan) now lives with a dutch security force here in the USA. if it has fallen out of the rotation i have set up, you can see it at youtube at this address.

you really should read "Infidel", by Aayan Hirsi Ali, for background.

clintons' ties to company that exploits old people

i remember when ronald reagan left office in 1989, there was a media outrage which ensued when he made a speech in japan where he made a million dollars. how DARE a former US president use his status to enrich himself!!???

this bar has apparently been raised.

from the new york times, no less...
The company, infoUSA, one of the nation’s largest brokers of information on consumers, paid $146,866 to ferry the Clintons, Mr. Gupta and others to Acapulco and back, court records show. During the next four years, infoUSA paid Mr. Clinton more than $2 million for consulting services, and spent almost $900,000 to fly him around the world for his presidential foundation work and to fly Mrs. Clinton to campaign events.

Those expenses are cited in a lawsuit filed late last year in a Delaware court by angry shareholders of infoUSA, who assert that Mr. Gupta wasted the company’s money trying “to ingratiate himself” with his high-profile guests.
"Mr. Gupta" is Vinod “Vin” Gupta, the CEO and Chairman of InfoUSA , and his dealings with the clintons are summarized here on former clinton advisor/toe-sucking fiend dick morris's website,

The links between Gupta and the Clintons are extensive:

• Gutpa raised over $200,000 for Hillary’s Senate campaigns and contributed thousands to the DNC and Democratic House and Senate campaigns.

• InfoUSA was one of the sponsors of the Aspen Festival of Ideas last summer where Bill and Hillary Clinton both spoke.

• Gupta built the Bill Clinton Science & Technology Center and the Hillary Clinton Mass Communications Center in his hometown of Rampur, India

• Bill and Gutpa traveled to India together

• Gupta reportedly paid for a golf outing for Bill at a legendary Scottish course

• InfoUSA appointed Terry McAuliffe, the Clinton’s longtime money man to the Board of Directors of its subsidiary company

• Clinton appointed Gupta to the Kennedy Center Board of Trustees only a few days before he left office

• Clinton also nominated Gupta as Consul General of Bermuda and U.S. Ambassador to Fiji, but Gupta was never confirmed

• Gupta’s company co-sponsored the 2006 Clinton Global Initiative

• Gupta sent a $7000 treadmill to Chappaqua days after the Clintons left the White House. After the NY Post disclosed the gift, the Clintons returned the gift.

according to the story in the New York Times... investigation by the authorities in Iowa found that infoUSA sold consumer data several years ago to telemarketing criminals who used it to steal money from elderly Americans. It advertised call lists with titles like “Elderly Opportunity Seekers” or “Suffering Seniors,” a compilation of people with cancer or Alzheimer’s disease. The company called the episodes an aberration and pledged that it would not happen again.

dick morris points out on his site that the NYT reported...
InfoUSA compiled and sold lists that disclosed the names of elderly men and women who would be likely to respond to unscrupulous scams. The lists left no doubt about the vulnerability of the elderly targets. The Times reported, for example, that InfoUSA advertised lists of “Elderly Opportunity Seekers,” 3.3 million older people “looking for ways to make money,” and “Suffering Seniors,” 4.7 million people with cancer or Alzheimer’s disease. “Oldies but Goodies” contained 500,000 gamblers over 55 years old, for 8.5 cents apiece. One list said: “These people are gullible. They want to believe that their luck can change.”

it's amazing to me to see all of the attention that dick cheney's association with halliburton attracts, yet, this gets none at all. at least cheney's association was in the open.......

the 2nd most popular baby boy's name in england

two years ago, it broke into the top 20.

"Muhammad is now second only to Jack as the most popular name for baby boys in Britain and is likely to rise to No 1 by next year, a study by The Times has found."
winston churchill must be rolling over in his grave...

in comparison, in the united states, "mohammed" is the 622nd most popular baby name. i'm too lazy to search for a breakdown of boy vs. girl names, but i figure the 622-2 ratio illustrates the point. plus when you factor in the results in a new pew research survey taken in may 2007, where they find that...
Muslim Americans reject Islamic extremism by larger margins than do Muslim minorities in Western European countries. However, there is somewhat more acceptance of Islamic extremism in some segments of the U.S. Muslim public than others. Fewer native-born African American Muslims than others completely condemn al Qaeda. In addition, younger Muslims in the U.S. are much more likely than older Muslim Americans to say that suicide bombing in the defense of Islam can be at least sometimes justified. Nonetheless, absolute levels of support for Islamic extremism among Muslim Americans are quite low, especially when compared with Muslims around the world. get the sense that the muslims in the US are much less extreme (unless you really dig into the results of the survey and find that around a quarter of American muslims approve of suicide bombing...that's a pretty big chunk of potential problematic muslims...)

on a related note, in the netherlands, dutch authorities, in COMPLIANCE with moroccan law, FORCE moroccan parents who give birth in the netherlands to choose a name from a list of acceptable names provided by the government of morocco.

what does all of this mean? it seems to me that europe is in a heap of trouble, and america is much less so. i thihk all the people in great britain and europe as a whole would do well to watch the 1997 movie "my son, the fanatic", which shows, in succinct fashion pre-9/11/pre-iraq war/years before george bush became president, that muslim youth growing up in western cultures tend to drift more towards being heavily religious than their moderate parents who immigrated to the west...due to what they see as western depravity. to combat this, they turn to the mosque, which more often than not tend to be set up by saudi arabia (from their massive OIL profits), and are mostly wahhabist in philosophy (in other words--VERY traditional and VERY radical).

recommended reading: "America Alone", by Mark Steyn..."While Europe Slept", by Bruce Bawer, AND "Londonistan", by Melanie Phillips.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

oops! i did it again...OMG

now i'm ready to believe everything they say about americans. holy COW! more
here. please allow at least 1/2 hour after eating before you look..

i've always been willing to give miss/ms./mrs. spears the benefit of the doubt, because she has always seemed to be (in interviews) a sweet lil' southern gal, albeit very slutty...but, now she seems to have embraced the more distasteful aspects of our women--on top of her ridiculous lack of dignity, class, originality, class, dignity, talent, dignity, class...

britney...please. just because you can AFFORD thanksgiving dinners every day...

40 year anniversary of the "six-day war"

in hindsight, one can argue that this was the conflict which probably began the era of middle-eastern terrorism. the arab nations surrounding tiny israel (egypt, syria, jordan, lebanon to a lesser extent...) all decided it was time to wipe israel off the map, once and for all. how TIME magazine covered it in their June 16, 1967 issue here. their asses were all kicked. israel found themselves in control of so much land that they decided to give a lot of it back.

as time has passed, we've learned how much this humiliated all of the arab nations, who had been asking for this fight, sure that Allah was on their side...but, ultimately got caught with their pants down. rumor has it that egyptian generals were getting drunk and not exactly up to the task when israel had mobilized and decided to go on offense. this did not make the early jihadists happy at all with their rulers, and also showed them that to confront the West militarily was not at all a smart choice.

Monday, June 4, 2007


i saw this on the drudge report...according to foxnews, JONBENET'S DAD AND NATALEE HOLLOWAY'S MOM ARE NOW "DATING".
i mean...WOW!!!!

i've always had a soft spot for natalee, because she's an alabama girl, and i'm an alabama boy (huntsville, until i was 16 years old..). i figure those guys in aruba must've raped her and fed her to the sharks...or, sold her into slavery somewhere. who knows? all i know is that everyone i've met who's travelled abroad ALWAYS has a sketchy tale to tell, ESPECIALLY when they've decided to mingle with the locals (and veer off the tourist path). i hope that people will watch the movie "Babel", and see what dangers you could possibly confront when dealing with foreign cultures unequipped with a full grasp of the local language (including nuance)...minus, of course, the typical hollywood twist which whitewashes the muslim children's violence or the extremely REAL problem of mexican drug smuggling (painting the border patrol as insensitive ogres...).

okay, jonbenet's mom is dead...but, beth holloway twitty's husband--whatever the hell his name was--this guy was moving heaven and earth trying to find natalee, spending i-have-no-idea amount of money flying back and forth between the US and aruba...staying down there for months on end...hiring investigators...i mean, what the hell is going on here?

beth became a media star.

she became a media source for the dirt in aruba. she was greta van susteran's prize guest HUNDREDS of nights. IMHO, she became TOO BIG FOR HER BRITCHES. that leaves little room for poor mr. twitty. do we jump from mr. twitty to the guy who possibly murdered his weird little child-beauty-pageant-sexpot spawn? and, by "sexpot", i mean: to the twisted parents of these kids, WHO ARE THE ONLY ONES WHO CARE ABOUT THOSE STUPID, BIZARRE PAGEANTS. john ramsey, in my opinion, was turned on by jonbenet, and, in a stupid fight he must have had with patsy ramsey about their mutual young sex object, he killed her. or...patsy did. it doesn't matter. they're both compicit in the sexualizing of a young girl...and anything that happened has to lay some finger of blame on THEM.

i just don't get it.