Wednesday, November 14, 2007

another reason i'm endorsing hillary

until i saw the preceding video, i had no idea that she was such a renaissance "person"...that aside from being a public policy genius and someone who could run our lives from cradle to grave exactly how we need them run...she's apparently also heavy into physics. just look at how quickly she measured the problem and provided the solution...get on it, boys...

my favorite lesbian feminist writer Camille Paglia is not as enthusiastic towards Hillary as I am. she thinks the media is not doing her a favor by allowing her to skip through life not having to answer tough questions. but...why should she? most of the time these stupid people on the campaign trail already KNOW the answer that THEY want to hear...they just want to see if Hillary agrees with THEM. keep playing it coy, girl! HILLARY! '08

my original endorsement of hillary here.

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