Thursday, November 29, 2007

Debate plants--ROLL CALL

Brig. Gen. Keith Kerr--works for hillary, worked with Kerry in '04. question--"I want to know why you think that American men and women in uniform are not professional enough to serve with gays and lesbians". here is a press release from the hillary campaign announcing the formation of the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) Americans for Hillary steering committee. Kerr's name is on the list, among others like Billie Jean King. gay moderator Anderson Cooper claimed he had no clue. right.

Adam Florzak--works for Sen. Dick Durbin. question, paraphrased--"what will you do to repay the money congress has stolen from the social security trust fund?" distrusts wall street and hates real work. is obsessed with the social security issue.

Mark Strauss--self-described Bill Richardson supporter, took part in the Democratic YouTube debate. asked the democrats what they were going to do about alzheimer's. for the republican debate, he begged Ron Paul to run as an independent.

Ted Faturos--asked the question about corn subsidies. former intern for congresswoman Jane Harman (D).

David McMillan--question, paraphrased--"blacks agree with the republicans on a lot of issues...why do you think they vote democratic?" lefty blogger, big edwards supporter.

David Cercone, from Pompano Beach. asked the candidates if they would accept the support of the Log Cabin Republicans, and why should the Log Cabin Republicans support, he's a Log Cabin Republican? Nah...obama supporter.

LeeAnn Anderson--asked the question about lead-covered chinese toys. this is a subject she has been championing, using her position in the United Steelworkers Union, who are backing John Edwards...USW YouTube page, prominently features "Edwards '08" sign...

there are probably more...i'm ignoring stuff like "Journey from Texas"...

**UPDATE**"Yasmin from Huntsville" is a former intern for CAIR, and she wanted to know what the candidates would do to repair our image in the Muslim world.

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