CNN's agenda was on full display last night.
out of over 3000 videos submitted, CNN saw fit to pick videos like the kid in his bedroom with a confederate flag on his wall asking a question about the flag...some texas kook waving his bible to the camera and asking the candidates if they believed "EVERY SINGLE WORD"...a question about the trilateral commission...some guy with a shotgun in the desert threateningly asking the candidates about their thoughts on gun rights...etc, etc, etc....
basically, CNN picked videos which showed a bunch of weird, unhinged types who CNN then presented to the american people as "typical" republican voters. "typical" republican voters who asked questions which sounded suspiciously liberal in their orientation. hardly any questions at all reflecting the issues which concern most, CNN picked questions which reflected their own belief that conservatism is like some strange disease and is something to be quarantined.
oh yeah, and the democrats managed to crash the party...the hillary! camp sent in a gay general to ask the candidates about "don't ask, don't tell"...that topic was big like about 15 years ago or so, right??? anyway, this guy not only gets his video played, but he also was present in the audience! and, coincidentally, anderson cooper found him in the audience, where the gay general had conveniently remembered to wear his microphone, which made it easy to ask a follow-up question after anderson asked him if he felt the candidates had "answered" his question!
in a post-debate panel discussion, william bennett caused anderson to stammer and backpedal when he told cooper that he had been getting a ton of email about the gay general, who reportedly was on some sort of steering committee for the hillary! campaign...see video the end anderson apologizes for CNN not identifying the gay general as a hillary! plant...
bennett was referring to this. the gay general is affiliated with hillary! and worked for Kerry in '04! surprise, surprise!
CNN video of hillary! plant Gen. Keith Kerr insisting that he's not a hillary! plant...Kerr tells FOX News that CNN paid for his trip from California to Florida...
michelle malkin's digging into the background of some of the other questioners, and she's coming up with some good stuff.
CNN debate chicanery from a few weeks ago...can we trust anything this network does???
more at the politico.
debate transcript pt. 1
debate transcript pt. 2
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