Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Radiohead update!


most fans paid zip, zero, nada for "In Rainbows". a survey by comScore Inc. shows that 62% of the people downloading the new radiohead masterpiece did it for free, and the remaining 38% averaged paying $6.

the silver lining, i guess, for america--
Among U.S. residents, about 40 percent who downloaded the album paid to do so. Their average payment was $8.05, the firm said.

Some 36 percent of the fans outside the U.S. who downloaded the album opted to pay; on average, those fans paid $4.64, according to the study.
i guess we can gather from that that americans are not as big a freeloader as the rest of the world, or our economy's better and thus we can afford to pay more, or we're just suckers.

in this case, the answer IMHO would be "C".

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