it's been a tough week for Randi (shown here with her teeth intact, btw...)--first, she was "attacked" by right-wingers who knocked her teeth out, then we later find out that no, she wasn't attacked...was it possible that she was just shit-faced coming out of an irish pub? it's all speculation, of course, but the story is typical of the crap that comes out of Air America.
like this latest gem from Rhodes:
I started just doing Google searches to try and figure out. You know, arson, arson, it was like crazy trying to figure out why is that being downplayed? Why is that, you know, just a small part of the story? And you know, every time I look for it what comes up, believe it or not, is that Blackwater wants to move to San Diego and build this giant complex in San Diego right where most of the evacuations are taking place and you know. You just know wherever there is fire, this administration will be out there doing what it does best and that is fanning the flames, you know. It just spooks me, I can’t explain to you how creepy this whole thing is that you know, you’ve got these fires. Some of them are thought to be the work of arsonists and in the same breath you’ve got a community that’s on fire that just recently protested Blackwater West. Just recently said no to Blackwater and apparently you don’t do that. I mean, I don’t even know what to think. You know, nobody is saying Blackwater set the fires, that is nobody that doesn’t want their house burned down. Nobody is saying that, but it is all so bizarre that this is America and you have to sort of sit there and wonder … arson, same place Blackwater West wants to be, people protesting. And then you find out that some of the guys that used to work for Blackwater are now in Schwarzenegger’s administration. It’s all so creepy.the actual audio is at this link, if you missed it above.
Blackwater. Blackwater?
well, i guess she had to refocus, since others have been pointing at a possible al-queada/jihadist link...
Rhodes' speculation IS a lot more imaginative than other leftist voices which have been blaming it on traditional bogeymen such as global warming...like Sen. Majority Leader Harry Reid, who said in response to a question on an energy bill:
"As you know, one reason that we have the fires burning in Southern California is global warming. One reason the Colorado Basin is going dry is because of global warming."and then, six questions later, Reid's previous statement had dropped down the memory hole:
Question: Senator, on the California fires, you said that the reason the fires are burning in California is global warming?except, i heard the audio and Reid completely garbled the end of the sentence to where it sounded more like "...southerncalfornglobewarming...", like he was trying to speak with something large in his mouth...like his foot...
Reid: No. Here's what I - I didn't say the reason the fires were burning in Southern California was global warming...
oh yes, and the war in Iraq has diverted all of the National Guard so they can't help fight the fires. i almost forgot.
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