oh wait--i forgot this...(video--Harry Reid goes to the senate floor today and attempts to take credit for how his letter is raising a ton of money for charity...the BALLS on this guy are ENORMOUS.

what Reid's speech today fails to capture is any sense at all of WHY this letter he wrote to the CEO of ClearChannel was able to command this kind of money. what Reid can't bring himself to wrap his mind around is that this was a public reaction to a clear effort to use the intimidating power of the Federal Government (in this case the Senate) to discredit/shut up a political voice in this country, using words taken out of context which he had to know were out of context. it was a smear, generated from mediamatters.org (who have no comment today on the end of the bidding), meant to be a warning shot across the bow at all conservative voices in the media...remember, the FCC holds great power over the broadcasters (like ClearChannel) of this country...and the Senate has a role in FCC funding...
Rush will be matching the winning bid of $2,100,100. no word yet on Rush's appeal to all 40 co-signers of Reid's smear letter to match it as well..
the e-bay winning bid page
the bidding history
pathetic attempt at the "democratic underground" urging readers to "report" the auction to ebay...
The auction's been running for 3 days now. Why ebay's allowing it is beyond my comprehension. But there is something we can do about it.
Every auction has a "report" button on the bottom of the page. Let's report the hell out of it!
Press the "report" button at the bottom.
Choose "Listing Policy Violations"
Choose "Other Listing Violations"
Choose "Hateful, Discriminatory or Racial Language in an item description"
VERY IMPORTANT: do not stop here!
previous related posts:
update on smear letter
original post
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