Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Norwegian school encourages masturbation...*but not while eating...*

Pia Friis, leader of the popular Bjerkealleen Barnehage ("barnehager" = "kindergarten") in Oslo, has some "interesting" ideas which are causing debate and uproar in this historically open-minded country:
Children, she said, should be able "to look at each other and examine each other's bodies. They can play doctor, play mother and father, dance naked and masturbate.

"But their sexuality must also be socialized, so they are not, for example, allowed to masturbate while sitting and eating. Nor can they be allowed to pressure other children into doing things they don't want to."
full story here...according to the story, children in Norway typically attend these kindergartens from the ages of 1 to 3...wow. i never masturbated until i was 15. of course, this probably explains a lot...

hat tip to weaselzippers

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