Sunday, October 21, 2007

will the MAINSTREAM media ever seriously cover Hillary's sketchy campaign contributions?

as i predicted back in early september, the norman hsu controversy received the "ho-hum" treatment from the MSM...oh, sure they "covered" it, if you want to call it that, but where is the abrahamoff-style outrage and follow-up on the return of the hsu-bundled donations? are they really being returned?

now, we hear that hillary is raising tons of cash from impoverished dishwashers and the like in New York's Chinatown...predictably, the conservatives like michelle malkin are all over this, but, lo and behold, here's an article in The Nation, fer chrissakes, asking the SAME questions!

Instapundit sez: "It's interesting the way concerns about Hillary's fundraising seem to cross all partisan and ideological lines". ...which begs the question i pose in this post's title...

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