as i blogged about here at NGNG a few days back, the folks who run the Empire State Bldg have decided to appease the "Religion of Peace".
here's a story from India about it...the comments section is classic. muslims vs hindus, trading insults back and forth about algebra and stuff. Examples:
"Dont Use any computer, because Algebra (the foundation of Maths) and Algorithms are result of Muslim innovation"Investor's Business Daily sees it exactly the way i do...it's an example of creeping sharia invading the US. they ask:
"who the hell told you that algebra or algorithms were discovered by muslims??? bloody looters have looted from greeks and indians."
"Totla (sic) number of scientific publication in the last 150 years from all the islamic countries put together cannot equal equal Mexico's. That much for your scientific contribution."
"Why does it take 2 planes in the belly to get smart."
"What's next, Ground Zero festooned with crescent moons and stars?"you mean like...

i've read that it's extraordinary to light the ESB in colored light, but while searching for the picture at the top of this post, i ran across this. apparently, back in May it was lit up in green as a part of the "Green Apple Festival". it just goes to show that you can't trust the internet...
(hat tip to LGF)
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