Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Algore: "...we have always been at war with Eastasia..."

-algore adressing moveon.org conference, referring to Pres. Bush (43)

that was now.

this is then:
-algore running for vice president, 1992, referring to Pres. Bush (41)

one of my greatest concerns is that, despite the proliferation of media, combined with the lack of historical knowledge (which provides context), the american electorate is actually less informed than in the past. i've read criticism of the "new media", i.e. the blogosphere, which theorizes that the way we gather our news and information has become more and more "balkanized".

i have another concern. our great thinkers...i'm talking about literary giants like george orwell and ray bradbury have been warning us for decades about the dangers of having a society which can play fast and loose with the facts of the past. in orwell's "1984", the past was re-created daily to deal with the new "realities" of the current day. this was done by destroying the past through heavy censorship and total control over any information disseminated to the populace. in bradbury's "fahrenheit 451", books were banned (burned, if found), and the populace gained all of it's information through an all-pervasive visual media, which was interactive (at some generic level).

i wonder, with the increasing reliance on the internet...and the declining influence of newspapers, books, etc....is "history" safe? the written word, on paper, is powerful & permanent. is this the case if all of our "history" is eventually consolidated onto the internet and electronic files? i know i can go back and edit things at will, if i see a problem with what goes on this blog, for instance. what if all of our historical documentation is subject to the same ease of "correction"? we already witness how news items, photos, youtube video, etc...can all dissapear just like *that* (finger snap). who's to say in the future that the same couldn't happen with government documents...your tax records...finances...historical novels...music...movies...news......anything??

it's already happpening. notice, in the case i've referenced above with algore that anything he's said in the past is just ignored by the mainstream media. he clearly states the case in the video that i've linked that saddam hussein is a nuclear threat, a sponsor of terrorists, and has weapons of mass destruction. this same argument was constantly made by the Clinton administration many times, and as a matter of fact, it was the stated policy of the United States during the Clinton administration that part of our "Iraq policy" was the removal of saddam hussein from power. then came the Bush administration...the pre-emptive strike on Iraq...and voila!.......this is all a neo-con conspiracy.

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