though the picture to the right features cameron in camouflage (i had to look twice, to make sure she was really there!), AND she's carrying a bag, this picture has nothing to do with this post. in other words, this in no way is meant to insinuate that cameron is some sort of revolutionary figure...
i saw this at huffington post: "Diaz's bag with Maoist slogan raises ire". you can click on the link if you want, but the gist of the story is that cameron was hanging out in Peru carrying a bag with Mao's most famous political slogan, "Serve the People" (in chinese), written on it.
unfortunately for the lovely ms. diaz,
"...the phrase has particular resonance in Peru, where the Maoist Shining Path insurgency brought Peru to edge of chaos in the 1980s and early 1990s with a campaign of massacres, assassinations and bombings.what was kind of freaky was to read that in Peru, "human rights activists" actually criticize leftists. it was so "man bites dog" that i did a double-take..
Nearly 70,000 people were killed during the insurgency."
cameron, i feel your pain.

i was embarrassed recently when i wore this great t-shirt (i bought it here at thoseshirts.com), and ran into a venezuelan friend of mine. i don't really understand her all the time (she speaks excellent english but we tend to speak around each other), but, basically she saw the picture of che on my chest and thought i was supporting him. she told me about how all the young commies who are ruining her country run around wearing che accessories. i tried to point out the irony of the shirt, but, i could tell that i had been compromised, as far as she was concerned.
the shirt has not left my drawer since. wow.
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