Thursday, June 21, 2007

Poland PM: Poland's reduced role in EU due to Germany in WW2

WOW!!!! the chickens are coming home to roost.
Poland has been fighting plans for the summit - being held in Germany - to change the EU's voting system to one based on population....Mr Kaczynski stunned other EU leaders by claiming that Poland has 28million fewer people than it should have as a result of the slaughter inflicted by Germany between 1939 and 1945.

He breached one of the great taboos of the EU - Don't Mention the War - and highlighted Poland's tortured relations with Germany. His heated intervention provoked a furious reaction across the EU and appeared to revive age-old disputes. It was the German invasion of Poland in September 1939 which triggered the war.
they're never going to get this EU constitution passed...the people of Europe may be acquiescent to being rolled over by muslim immigrants eventually taking over their countries, but they'll never VOTE to give up their sovereignity...with their ballots.

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