Tuesday, June 12, 2007

the manchurian candidate -- Sen. Mel Martinez

remember: Sen. Martinez is the "CHAIRMAN" of the Republican National Committee.

who is this guy working for? does he have any CLUE about poll results regarding the "comprehensive immigration bill? well, maybe, if you believe MSM press 'reports on the "results" of these polls. interestingly, in this bloomberg account i've linked above, sen. john mccain has been sinking in the polls, even though he is a STRONG supporter of the bill in question. do the people who write these stories think we're stupid? ignorant? we can't READ?

the american people by and large DO NOT want this legislation passed.

elite democrats and elite republicans are trying to sell us out. call your congressman TODAY.

this whole thing REEKS of NAFTA. these people want to DISINTEGRATE our borders.

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