this was an interesting editorial in today's New York Times, in response to the blowback from readers and even some Times staff as well, on the truly baffling treatment of the breakup of the JFK terror plot. in short, to set up the editorial, the New York Times..."all the news that's fit to print", as they say...found this story to be only important enough to grace page 37 of the city edition, and page 30 of the edition which they ship to us outlanders.
this, despite the fact that it was a plot to not only destroy JFK airport, but also the US and maybe the world economy. it had the potential as well of burning the borough of Queens to the ground. not only that, the suspects are a slightly different cast of characters than your typical islamofascists...these were from Latin America, not the middle east. i can see why the Times wouldn't think it was terribly interesting--unlike those dupes over at the Washington Post, who gave it page one coverage!
sexy arianna sums up the "what's the big deal" attitude over at the huffpost..
previously discussed on NGNG...
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