let me see if i can get this straight...back in the 1980s a fatwa is issued by muslim kook higher-ups to kill salman rushdie for his book, "the satanic verses"...he's been running from them and living a low-key life ever since...muslims all over the world hate him....the Queen knights him...and the muslims get pissed...because rushdie is "an apostate", and therefore his ascension to knighthood is just britain slapping the muslims in the face.
uh, okay..
people better start fighting back against this garbage. they (the bad guys) know good and well that political correctness plus generations raised under the influence of dale carnegie means that if they tell us to do it, whatever "it" may be, we're probably at least going to compromise, at our total disadvantage. god forbid we don't show "tolerance"...

...like they do.
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