i saw this on the drudge report...according to foxnews, JONBENET'S DAD AND NATALEE HOLLOWAY'S MOM ARE NOW "DATING".
i mean...WOW!!!!
i've always had a soft spot for natalee, because she's an alabama girl, and i'm an alabama boy (huntsville, until i was 16 years old..). i figure those guys in aruba must've raped her and fed her to the sharks...or, sold her into slavery somewhere. who knows? all i know is that everyone i've met who's travelled abroad ALWAYS has a sketchy tale to tell, ESPECIALLY when they've decided to mingle with the locals (and veer off the tourist path). i hope that people will watch the movie "Babel", and see what dangers you could possibly confront when dealing with foreign cultures unequipped with a full grasp of the local language (including nuance)...minus, of course, the typical hollywood twist which whitewashes the muslim children's violence or the extremely REAL problem of mexican drug smuggling (painting the border patrol as insensitive ogres...).
okay, jonbenet's mom is dead...but, beth holloway twitty's husband--whatever the hell his name was--this guy was moving heaven and earth trying to find natalee, spending i-have-no-idea amount of money flying back and forth between the US and aruba...staying down there for months on end...hiring investigators...i mean, what the hell is going on here?
beth became a media star.
she became a media source for the dirt in aruba. she was greta van susteran's prize guest HUNDREDS of nights. IMHO, she became TOO BIG FOR HER BRITCHES. that leaves little room for poor mr. twitty.
but...how do we jump from mr. twitty to the guy who possibly murdered his weird little child-beauty-pageant-sexpot spawn? and, by "sexpot", i mean: to the twisted parents of these kids, WHO ARE THE ONLY ONES WHO CARE ABOUT THOSE STUPID, BIZARRE PAGEANTS. john ramsey, in my opinion, was turned on by jonbenet, and, in a stupid fight he must have had with patsy ramsey about their mutual young sex object, he killed her. or...patsy did. it doesn't matter. they're both compicit in the sexualizing of a young girl...and anything that happened has to lay some finger of blame on THEM.
i just don't get it.
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